Got bored very early and couldn't find the motivation to continue

Besides the pretty colors and cool rtx visuals this game falls flat on its face. If this game was like a car it would be a 99 honda civic with $5k rims.

Revisited this one after 2 years and honestly it's a game children will not appreciate but the older you get the better the game is imo.
I wish they didn't reuse so much of the same bosses/areas but the fights were always thrilling and combat feels responsive. Lore wise it's pretty decent although it leaves a bittersweet ending, at least the one I chose did.
Played with mods and made the experience even better.

This review was written before the game released

I need to see Kiriko get blacked!

Hand it over. That thing, your Dark Souls 3: The Fire Fades Edition.

the amount of items in this game is out of this world.
It's also disappointing losing the build on death so for that I can rate it no higher than a 6.
Multiplayer everyone just hogs all the items so nothing much in that department.


it's so easy with shield.
next best weapon is spear.
the gun is ass.
got a lil heated sometimes but overall it's good.

you don't even get the true ending until you beat it 10 times.
to hell with that, I mean this game is fun, but it's not that fun.

Review from a one piece slave:

It's mid. Strangely enough, I found the story worse than the gameplay. I just never cared about the mystery of waford or whatever ancient weapon they got, I just wanted to see the crew. Typical one piece banter, dialogue. They were cooking with some of these creatures, but a lot of them are also wonky looking, but it's one piece so that's to be expected.

Game is a fast burn after water 7, you are just rushing to the finish line at that point. Crazy reveal that no one saw coming from the first 5 minutes, backtracking, more backtracking, and some fast travel bans cause why not.

I hate this game, if it wasn't called one piece, it would get 0.5 stars.
Also only 2 outfits per strawhat, that's lazy, we need more outfits. nami and robin's breasts are out of this world.
Don't know why marineford was even in here, that episode sucked, barely anyone showed up. Should've put whole cake instead, would've been gas.

my final boss lineup: Luffy, zoro, chopper, brook

People that think this is the best rpg have never touched a souls game and it shows.
I've never been this bored since I played valhalla, same lifeless open world with a story that could put a night club to sleep.
combat is some of the worst ever coded, swinging a toothpick around and spinning like a beyblade, mashing light attack and quen the only sign that isn't dog water.
Following fart clouds and button mashing bullet sponge monster #237 is peak gaming according to these clowns.

This game got these frauds trapped in a tsukuyomi, luckily I can see through genjutsu so it doesn't affect me.

Anybody talking sweet about dark souls 2 I'm beating they ass

Fun for a short while then the novelty wears off, still gave me some good laughs with mates.

The most uninspired, cliche, lifeless, dull, sleep inducing cutscene simulator ever made and it's not even a Sony game.
Does no one ever just shut up in this game? These NPC's be on their soapbox spouting nonsense left right and center.

On top of that you literally get no ammo and run out of bullets after 2 ops go down.
The story is so predictable, the characters are lackluster and in an open world game, if the story is trash then there is no reason to keep playing, something that RDR2 was able to get away with.
This game can't compete with modern FPS titles, it can't compete with story based single player games, it sucks as a looter shooter. So where does this leave Metro exodus?

In the bin where it belongs.

Don't trust anyone giving this game more than 2.5 stars, this has to be a psyop, Imma keep it real tho like always this is hot dog water.