Resident Evil 6 is bad because it's an action game and not a survival horror.

I generally agree with the sentiment. Resident Evil should be a survival horror series. Absolutely.

That being said.

I feel like no one actually takes the time to see that Resident Evil 6 is also bad AS an action game.

It controls terribly, which is weird as RE4 and 5 were really good in that regard. It looks graphically worse than RE5 which is absurd. For a game that wants to be a crazy shooter you're always out of ammo. The health inventory system is awful.

Like compare this to say, Uncharted, which I imagine the game took inspiration from concerning its set pieces, and the game has no sense of pace. It just constantly throws shit at you hoping something sticks but nothing does, it somehow manages to be quite forgettable.

Its story is also, ultimately, quite useless as the many returning characters in this Avengers style reunion moment dont really progress in terms of characters, I guess Chris maybe but RE7 and 8 invalidated this game in that regard so whatever.

This game really sucks, no matter how you look at it.

Look, this is probably the most unneccesary masterpiece ever made. As the OG is still an absolute 10/10.

But god damn is it good. Like, I love this fucking game so much.


that being said, its ultimately a pointless remake, as the OG is already perfect

It's scary as shit. No doubt. Conceptually at least.

But actually playing it is really boring. Ngl, all for a cheap jumpscare at the end. I dont know, feels overhyped.

In all honnesty, the concept would work best in written form, I'm not even joking.

Excellent introduction to an excellent series and the entire hack and slash genre as a whole. The game is brutally hard but I feel like it handles it very well. You work to beat this game, and it feels damn good when you do.

Do not sleep on Gen 9 because muh bugs.

Let's make this clear: the bugs and performance issues in Gen IX are inoffensive and or outright funny IF you encounter them. Facts are: Game Freaks made a game within less than a year after the release of Arceus on a console that's less powerful than a base PS4 from 9 years ago, yet did not let that limit their ambition. This aint launch Cyberpunk. If we can give bethesda a pass for this, we can for pokémon.

This game is beautiful and extremly heartfelt. The open world is vast yet compact and you never feel like you spend too much time on the road rather than doing something interesting. You have fun the whole way through. I especially loved the fluidity of the battle transitions. Althrough I do think that some form of level scalimg could have been welcome.

But where this game really took me by surprise was in its story and characters. It was extremly well written and I really came to care for its core cast, especially Arven. And the final act of this game, Area Zero, is legendary tier in its presentation. That being said it loses several points for not including voice acting. Seriously even Zelda does it now, there's no excuse.

Still, jank and all. I loved this game.

This game is so well designed, well paced, you don't even care that you're always dying. It just keeps you at it. NES gold.

Sorry buddy, but your unique political ideology you're totally the only one who ever thought of it won't bring your ex wife back.

Its so absurd that this "game" even exists.

You dont play. You just watch shit with a moocher pikachu who spends his day watching the shopping channel instead of finding a job.

The best I can say about this is that you can probably put a 2-3 year old who wants to play video games but dosent know how and he'd have fun with it. But that's a stretch.

Super Circuit plays very well actually. But with limited single player content and link cable only multiplayer, you dont really have any reason to actually play it

A standard but very good adventure. Mario is a safe value for a reason. Wonder stands above the New Super Mario series for actually bothering to have the same level of creativity as the 3D games, all the while mainting what makes 2D mario so good. Also the yoshi god mode is a good thing for those who have young children.

The game to offer for christmas in 2023

This game's visual novel segments are genuinly super charming and fun, if a bit simple.

But that thinking mini game takes up way too much space and is very annoying

An absolutely fantastic game with an amazing lore, solid characters, and just the right amount of grey in the setting without going overboard and ending up pretentious.

It's an almost 5 stars, hampered by the stupid decision of making the diverging choice to plsy the different campaigns at the beginning, rather than the middle, forcing you to replay White Clouds at least 3 times, with the missions being the same each time.

Other than that this is a masterpiece

Gameplay has aged, but it's tale holds up. This game's remake was the first time a game really shook me to my core with it's excellent characters, story and themes. And the original is better, so play it.

A fantastic return to form after the disaster that was Devil May Cry 2. This is the true sequel. Its story, while not particulsrly deep, is incredibly enjoyable and entertaining.