Games I will never fucking play

Games that I refuse to touch either because

a) I absolutely despise the developers/publishers
b) I have a life outside of video games
c) I’m not a virgin

I’m not gonna include notoriously bad games (obviously I have no desire to play that Gollum game or The Day Before), just ones that have loyal fanbases and/or positive reception overall.

Activision jus finds new ways to sink lower every year, huh?
More slimy practices from Activision Blizzard. No thanks.
BotW clone but with gacha mechanics. How fun.
Same as Genshin, but now it’s turn-based, which is worse.
No time + loot boxes lol
The way Activision handled this game was so fucking scummy and blatantly dishonest that it actually makes me mad. I hate that company so much.
Pokémon fans need to stop forking over $60 for a game that they know is rushed and unfinished, and then complaining about how the game is rushed and unfinished. My nigga, YOU KNEW THIS WHEN YOU BOUGHT IT.
Why is Michelle Rodriguez in all of the advertising?
This game looks so fucking boring.
Disrespectful to Kevin Conroy and the Arkham series as a whole. No jonkler, no aslume, AND man gets killed? Who wrote this? Are they stupid?
Yandere Dev should be castrated on live television.


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