It's fine, there's nothing special about it and it blurs with every other new super mario bros game, but it's not bad. It just exists

It has a fun charm to it that makes it stand out to me.

Best way to play mario 1 and lost levels. Other than that, the originals of the other games are still fun to play, but the new graphics are good to look at.

It's a collection of mostly good games, and it makes the weaker games in the collection way more bearable to get through. It's an easy recommend if you like 2D mario.

It's mario 1 but harder. It's still has the obnoxious momentum physics, but the added challenge at least makes it more interesting and engaging to get through than the original mario bros.

Play it on all stars though so you don't have to beat the game 8 times to unlock the bonus levels.

It's fine, but it probably has the weakest boards out of the GC mario party games. I rarely ever revisit this one when family comes over.

I don't get it...

There's a lot to love about galaxy, but Mario just controls so slow. The slow paced gameplay and more linear level design feels like a step down from previous 3D marios.

The slow controls make the level exploration kind of boring to me and I'm always trying to figure out shortcuts to get around the comet observatory because running or flying everywhere just feels so slow.

I'm excited to play 2 since I've heard it fixes most of these issues, but galaxy one is just fine and not great to me.

Music is kino though.

Tightest controls in any 2D mario game. It's surprising how much this game holds up compared to mario 1.

This game is so good! It's got the perfect amount of challenge and super fun level design! Peak 2D mario!

Very fun mario party! Boards are not as strong as 6 but the gameplay is a lot faster and the mini games are fun!

The variety in gameplay rules are nice to have, but I rarely mess around with the chain chomp and windmill ones.

Solid mario party, second best one on the gamecube.

Peak mario party (at least on the GC). The boards are all really solid and the mini games are all pretty fun for the most part. The night and day mechanic is fun and provides nice variety to the minigames and boards.

This is the mario party I revisit the most.

This game is so good and really understands the character of spider-man!

Gameplay is super fun and the story is peak comic book storytelling.

This is the first surival horror game I played and it's pretty great!

Navigating the world is super engaging and stressful and it's just fun to mess around and approach each situation you're presented with in different ways.

I think the game peaks in the police station though and the sewers really drag for me. The lab picks up again and is a fun ride though which helps leave the game on a high note.

It's a pretty solid spider-man game and the art style has aged really well! This game is still really nice to look at and the gameplay is pretty fast paced and fun!

The difficulty balance can be a little off at points. I remember a few bosses being noticeable harder out of nowhere, but it's nothing game ruining. Small enemies can be annoying to take down if you don't web them up right away as well, but this usually isn't an issue.

This game really pissed me off as a kid. I still have flashbacks to the dragon tail warehouse boss fight...

It's one of those games I played as a kid that taught me that videogames can be bad. I constantly getting bored with missions and taking constant breaks to jump off the empire state building and trying to splat on a car.

The game is super funny to me now. Animations and weird and goofy. Still a bad game, but it's funny bad.

Voice acting is hilarious, but the combat and movement slaps.

Game goes from being insane and fun to being absolutely hilarious and I'm for it!

It's fine, I guess this was technically the first arkham game I played...

It's nothing special, the gameplay can be fun at times. I remember spending a lot of time just reading the bonus comics as a kid and always resetting my 360's clock so I could get the birthday hat suit.