Fusion feels pretty different from the other 2D metroid games, but it's still fun and the story is interesting on a first playthrough.

The game is also very tense! The SA-X is super effective and fusion also has a few really tense and difficult boss fights that are super rewarding to take down.

Fusion is linear unlike most other 2D metroid games, which can be pretty make or break for a lot of metroid fans. The strengths of the game heavily outweigh the linearity for me and the game is still very worth playing!

Zero Mission is amazing! Also a top contender for 2D metroid and an easy recommend for someone's first metroid game. Gameplay is fast and smooth and the game fixes all my problems with the NES original.

Going for 100% is kind of hit or miss. Backtracking is required which is kind of annoying, but it can be done really fast if you know what you're doing.

Great game, completely replaces the original.

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Prime 1 is a very good game that never fully clicked with me until playing through the remaster earlier this year. Atmosphere is top tier and samus' controls are translated to 3D perfectly. Exploration is very rewarding.

Bosses are kind of hit or miss and I think they can drag on a bit too long at times and going for 100% can be a bit daunting but is still fun. Some of the collectibles are hidden way out in super isolated portions of the map which can make some of the backtracking really annoying to get to if you missed them your first time going through the area. More elevators would have been appreciated to alleviate this, but this is mroeso a personal nitpick.

The way I see it, you might as well backtrack to get everything you missed since you'll already be backtracking to get the chozo artifacts.

Samus returns is good. The gameplay is much slower paced than other 2D metroids which makes it a harder to revisit, especially after dread.

Game is still classic 2D metroid so it's very high quality. Bosses are fun enough (the metroids that constantly run away from you are obnoxious) and some of them are really challenging and rewarding to take down.

It's probably the weakest of the 2D metroids, but a weak 2D metroid game is still really good!

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Echoes is better than prime 1! It has the top tier atmosphere and world building that prime 1 has while improving on the overall gameplay and bosses. The bosses in prime 2 are really good (minus the alpha blogg).

The backtracking is streamlined a lot as well! The world layout is loops and has better placed elevators making the key side quest go by way faster than the chozo artifacts.

The dark pirate commandos suck, but they're no worse than the chozo ghosts in prime 1 and the beam ammo is dumb, but super easy to manage and I never came close to running out.

If you're new to Silent Hill/Survival horror, then Silent Hill 2 is a good starting point. It's completely separate from the other games in the series and has the option to turn off the tank controls (although I think they work better with the fixed camera angles).

It's not the best silent hill game, but all the team silent games are so high quality that I can understand why someone would consider any of them to be their favorite

SH2 has a great story, amazing atmosphere, fun puzzles and super creative monster design.

My only complaints are that the game is not particularly scary (with the exception of the historical society) and there's one running section after the hospital felt kinda filler to me.

Silent Hill holds up really well! It's absolutely insane just how well optimized it is and the team silent really made the most of the hardware limitations they had to work with.

This game is still scary and the exploration is fun and rewarding. The puzzles are really great and super rewarding to solve (I know some people complain about the piano puzzle but I love it).

Weakest part for me is probably the first sewer area since it messes with the established rules of the game a bit, but the area is super short and linear so it's over very quick.

Some of the gameplay can be a little janky, but I never had any significant issues. I don't have an issue adjusting to tank controls, but if you do then you might have some trouble getting into the game.

In short, Harry is the best dad in videogames and must be protected at all costs!

Best Silent Hill!

Heather is the most engaging protagonist in the series and the game really hates you hate the Order. This is the scariest game out of the original trilogy. I don't think I've ever been more stressed out playing a game (in a good way).

The characters are all great, the monster design is amazing, the atmosphere and scares are super effective and the soundtrack is so good!

The ending is super satisfying and the extras are goofy in the best possible way.

Enhanced Edition is probably the best way to experience SH2 (unless you're a collector or you're really set on playing the PS2 original).

The game looks really good (on top of how great the PS2 original still looks) and enhanced edition fixes all the issues with the buggy original PC release.

Don't buy a physical PS2 copy from a scalper when this exists and is just as good!

If you say this is better than DKC 2 or 3 you are lying to yourself!

DKC is fine, it's a good game with good level design and some catchy music.

My biggest gripe with the game is that Donkey Kong sucks to play as. He's so slow and boring! I always just leave him out front to take hits so I don't lose diddy (who is better in every way). The bosses also suck (except for the final boss).

Going for 100% is fine, but pointless. It's not hard to do (going for 100% on some levels actually makes the game easier since it lets you skip some of the harder barrel sections), but you don't get anything other than some bonus cranky dialogue.

The other DKC games did everything this game did right while improving on everything it did wrong.

This is my favorite game of all time!

Improves on DKC 1 in every way! The music is better, the levels are better, the bosses are actually good, going for 100% actually has a purpose and is fun and rewarding and both the characters are actually fun to play as.

The game is super fast paced and fun. It's harder than the first game and is super rewarding to play through!

DKC 3 is great! It's not as good as 2 but it's leagues ahead of 1 since both the characters are fun to play as.

DKC 3 is the hardest of the original trilogy but it's still super fun. Kiddy isn't as fun to play as as Diddy, but the partner mechanic and his ability to bounce on water make him way better to play as than Donkey Kong in the first game (Donkey Kong wishes he could do the things Kiddy can do).

The music is more focus on atmosphere and is not as catchy as the best music in 1 or any of the songs in 2, but it's still good.

Like 2, going for 100% actually has a purpose other than bragging rights and it's fun to play through the extra challenging levels (even if the true ending is underwhelming and more on the goofy side).

DKCR is good! They actually made Donkey Kong fun to play as( although I miss being able to play as the other kongs).

The music is not as catchy or memorable as anything in the original trilogy, but it still fits well with the levels. The game is still super well designed and challenging.

Biggest complaint is the bosses are kind of obnoxious. They're not braindead like in DKC 1, but they drag on for way too long.

The motion controls aren't that bad, but I would prefer being able to hit a button to roll like in the older games.

They improved on DKCR in every way. This is the best DKC game since DKC 2!

The level design is better, the music is amazing, more Kongs are back and the bosses are better and don't drag on as much as in DKCR.

Game is still hard while fixing up some of the gimmicks that didn't work as well in DKCR (thank you retro for letting us take more than one hit on the rocket barrel!).

Funky mode is a fun distraction that works well for speedruns, but I lost interest in playing through it casually since it made the game too easy.

Amazing game, please play it!

Improves on everything in DKCR!

Loading times can be a little long on the Wii U, so I'd recommend the switch port over it.