Very fun mario party! Boards are not as strong as 6 but the gameplay is a lot faster and the mini games are fun!

The variety in gameplay rules are nice to have, but I rarely mess around with the chain chomp and windmill ones.

Solid mario party, second best one on the gamecube.

Tightest controls in any 2D mario game. It's surprising how much this game holds up compared to mario 1.

This game is so good! It's got the perfect amount of challenge and super fun level design! Peak 2D mario!

I don't get it...

There's a lot to love about galaxy, but Mario just controls so slow. The slow paced gameplay and more linear level design feels like a step down from previous 3D marios.

The slow controls make the level exploration kind of boring to me and I'm always trying to figure out shortcuts to get around the comet observatory because running or flying everywhere just feels so slow.

I'm excited to play 2 since I've heard it fixes most of these issues, but galaxy one is just fine and not great to me.

Music is kino though.

It's fine, but it probably has the weakest boards out of the GC mario party games. I rarely ever revisit this one when family comes over.

It's mario 1 but harder. It's still has the obnoxious momentum physics, but the added challenge at least makes it more interesting and engaging to get through than the original mario bros.

Play it on all stars though so you don't have to beat the game 8 times to unlock the bonus levels.

Best way to play mario 1 and lost levels. Other than that, the originals of the other games are still fun to play, but the new graphics are good to look at.

It's a collection of mostly good games, and it makes the weaker games in the collection way more bearable to get through. It's an easy recommend if you like 2D mario.

It has a fun charm to it that makes it stand out to me.

It's fine, there's nothing special about it and it blurs with every other new super mario bros game, but it's not bad. It just exists

I love this game. Fludd is a fun new mechanic and mario's control are so fast and fluid.

Sunshine's controls feel like 64 on steroids and they're just so fun to mess around with.

Some of the levels are really janky and weird which makes them frustrating to deal with (i.e. pachinko and lily pad) but the game is still really fun overall.

Only other gripe is that one blue coin in Noki Bay that crashes your gamecube if you rocket into it at the wrong angle.

Oh my god this game did not age well. The momentum based controls feel terrible compared to the other 2D marios and make a lot of the platforming more obnoxious than it needs to be.

It's not challenging enough or engaging to make me want to learn the weird physics. It's an interesting game to experience to see where Mario started, but every 2D mario released afterwards (excluding lost levels) controls so much better and are way more fun.

So much fun! Peak 3D mario!

Sandbox 3D mario is back and he controls better than ever! The capture mechanic is fun and adds variety to the gameplay without straying too far away from the platforming focus.

Super fun and easy to replay and the music and level design is great as always!

This game is still really fun! Sandbox 3D mario is best 3D mario. I greatly prefer just running around an open 3D space looking for stuff vs doing linear challenges to get stars or complete level objectives like in galaxy and 3D world.

The controls still hold up really well for the most part (wall jumping can be a little janky when you're first getting used to it) and there are so many fun and unique ways to approach getting each star which makes replays just as engaging as my first playthrough.

Has not aged well and the momentum in the platforming sucks! Play through it on all stars if you really want to experience it since it makes the experience a little better. The new graphics are nice looking and the momentum feels toned down a bit compared to the original.

This game is so slow compared to the other GC mario partys. There's not much objectively wrong with it, but it's one of the ones I revisit the least whenever I play with family.

It's got some fun mechanics and funny concepts, but 6 and 7 are just so much better.

I can finally play sunshine without risk of my console crashing when I get that one blue coin in Noki Bay!

Collection just feels kind of underwhelming. Mario 64 is good, but the original glitches are one of my favorite things to mess around with when I replay that so I rarely ever use 3D all stars to replay it.

Sunshine is still great, fast paced fun. Galaxy is interesting to mess around with in handheld without the motion controls for a bit.