Best Silent Hill!

Heather is the most engaging protagonist in the series and the game really hates you hate the Order. This is the scariest game out of the original trilogy. I don't think I've ever been more stressed out playing a game (in a good way).

The characters are all great, the monster design is amazing, the atmosphere and scares are super effective and the soundtrack is so good!

The ending is super satisfying and the extras are goofy in the best possible way.

Silent Hill holds up really well! It's absolutely insane just how well optimized it is and the team silent really made the most of the hardware limitations they had to work with.

This game is still scary and the exploration is fun and rewarding. The puzzles are really great and super rewarding to solve (I know some people complain about the piano puzzle but I love it).

Weakest part for me is probably the first sewer area since it messes with the established rules of the game a bit, but the area is super short and linear so it's over very quick.

Some of the gameplay can be a little janky, but I never had any significant issues. I don't have an issue adjusting to tank controls, but if you do then you might have some trouble getting into the game.

In short, Harry is the best dad in videogames and must be protected at all costs!

If you're new to Silent Hill/Survival horror, then Silent Hill 2 is a good starting point. It's completely separate from the other games in the series and has the option to turn off the tank controls (although I think they work better with the fixed camera angles).

It's not the best silent hill game, but all the team silent games are so high quality that I can understand why someone would consider any of them to be their favorite

SH2 has a great story, amazing atmosphere, fun puzzles and super creative monster design.

My only complaints are that the game is not particularly scary (with the exception of the historical society) and there's one running section after the hospital felt kinda filler to me.

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Echoes is better than prime 1! It has the top tier atmosphere and world building that prime 1 has while improving on the overall gameplay and bosses. The bosses in prime 2 are really good (minus the alpha blogg).

The backtracking is streamlined a lot as well! The world layout is loops and has better placed elevators making the key side quest go by way faster than the chozo artifacts.

The dark pirate commandos suck, but they're no worse than the chozo ghosts in prime 1 and the beam ammo is dumb, but super easy to manage and I never came close to running out.

Samus returns is good. The gameplay is much slower paced than other 2D metroids which makes it a harder to revisit, especially after dread.

Game is still classic 2D metroid so it's very high quality. Bosses are fun enough (the metroids that constantly run away from you are obnoxious) and some of them are really challenging and rewarding to take down.

It's probably the weakest of the 2D metroids, but a weak 2D metroid game is still really good!

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Prime 1 is a very good game that never fully clicked with me until playing through the remaster earlier this year. Atmosphere is top tier and samus' controls are translated to 3D perfectly. Exploration is very rewarding.

Bosses are kind of hit or miss and I think they can drag on a bit too long at times and going for 100% can be a bit daunting but is still fun. Some of the collectibles are hidden way out in super isolated portions of the map which can make some of the backtracking really annoying to get to if you missed them your first time going through the area. More elevators would have been appreciated to alleviate this, but this is mroeso a personal nitpick.

The way I see it, you might as well backtrack to get everything you missed since you'll already be backtracking to get the chozo artifacts.

Zero Mission is amazing! Also a top contender for 2D metroid and an easy recommend for someone's first metroid game. Gameplay is fast and smooth and the game fixes all my problems with the NES original.

Going for 100% is kind of hit or miss. Backtracking is required which is kind of annoying, but it can be done really fast if you know what you're doing.

Great game, completely replaces the original.

Fusion feels pretty different from the other 2D metroid games, but it's still fun and the story is interesting on a first playthrough.

The game is also very tense! The SA-X is super effective and fusion also has a few really tense and difficult boss fights that are super rewarding to take down.

Fusion is linear unlike most other 2D metroid games, which can be pretty make or break for a lot of metroid fans. The strengths of the game heavily outweigh the linearity for me and the game is still very worth playing!

This game is so good! Metroid is just so good!

Samus is back! Dread plays super well, the exploration and atmosphere are all there and the sequence breaks are back and super fun to mess around with. Going for 100% is super rewarding and feels totally doable without a guide.

The game play is a big step up from return of samus and is super fast paced and fun! Dread also has some of the best bosses in all of 2D metroid and has some really amazing cinematic and satisfying moments that I still think about.

This game is so good! It still holds up and it's easy to see why so many people still consider it to be their favorite 2D metroid (I constantly go back and forth in my rankings).

Gameplay is still super fun, I think super has the most satisfying wall jumps and mastering the movement feels super rewarding. The atmosphere is great, the exploration feels super rewarding and all the little random extras are fun to discover.

Sequence breaking makes it super fun to replay as well. I still feel like there's so many different ways I could play through the game.

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Majora 3D feels completely different to the original and not always in a good way. While some changes like the new bomber's notebook, the new double song of time mechanic and the pretty visuals are nice I honestly hate a majority of the new changes made.

Deku water hopping and zora swimming feel terrible now and really kill the pace of those sections. I hate the changes to the bosses the more I think about them too. The gyorg and odolwa fights are fine enough but the new eyeball weak point in the Goht fight completely breaks the pace of it for me and the twinmold fight goes on for too long. The giant's mask reveal is cool, but the giant gameplay feels super slow and clunky compared to the original and it's possible to run out of magic and be screwed.

This game is just very frustrating to me as someone who loves the original. If you had to choose between playing this or never playing Majora's mask you should obviously play the 3DS version, but the many inferior changes make it hard to recommend this version over the original with an emulator with a fast forward feature.

The original Zelda holds up surprisingly well if you use a guide to locate the dungeons. Going for 100% in the main quest was pretty fun and it felt rewarding going from being so vulnerable to being able to dish out a lot of damage.

2nd quest on the other hand does not hold up. Lot's of enemy spam in dungeons (especially the darknuts). None of the other changes stand out to me enough to make playing through second quest worth it.

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There's a lot to like about Twilight Princess. This game has some of the best Zelda dungeons hands down and a lot of the dungeon items are super fun if situational. Midna is pretty cool too. The combat is pretty fun and flashy looking similar to windwaker and there's enough of a variety of moves to make it interesting throughout the game.

The story is interesting right up until the Zant fight and they do the Ganondorf reveal. The art style also hasn't aged as well. A lot of the characters look really ugly (Malo still haunts me). Also the beginning starts off super slow (way more so than OOT) although it definitely picks up after you get out of the village.

Still a good game but not my favorite zelda. Going for 100% was kind of tiring as well. I felt super burned out after going for 100% in this game and would not recommend it.

This is the only version of OOT you should play (I'd still be saying this even if the only change was you could mash through the owl dialogue).

It's still OOT so it has a lot of the same problems I had with the original (Early game pacing is slow, a lot of the overworld is bare bones and boring to explore and 100% is still not worth it), but the changes made make the experience a lot better and easier to revisit. The remake looks a lot better too (although that goes without saying).

Including master quest is also appreciated and is an interesting distraction worth at least one playthrough to see the new dungeon layouts.

The original Windwaker is still super great! The art style is timeless and still looks great and a lot of the music stands out and is super memorable. Link's animations are great too and really help the game stand out. I think this is the first 3D zelda game where the combat feels super fun through a mix of flashy animations and interesting optional mechanics. The game just feels very cinematic which helps it stand out and make it super memorable.

Dungeons are pretty good and bosses are fun!

Navigating the seas can be a little tedious on the GC without the swift sail, but I still didn't really mind it.

The triforce hunt at the end sucks, but I think it's overblown (and the remake also cuts it down a lot anyway).