I can acknowledge this as a good game & I love how charming it is and it’s great artstylr but god I’m stupid

Couldn’t afford a mushroom

Played this like, one time with my girlfriend so it’s peak

I didn’t play much but the gameplay was simple but fun and going down a ramp/hill was exhilarating. Doubt I’ll play it again but I had a fun time with it

This game is incredibly fun. The roster is a little bit lacking in the NXT department but the DLC will help with that. My only main complaint is the showcase is just so boring that I haven’t even bothered to finish it. But I 100% recommend this game

Such a fun RPG. No real gimmicks like the later games, just a fun game with a fun story, and this versions is a very well made remake aswell, even if BMs is quite a mediocre mode

Really enjoyed this game. Most of my annoyance can be chalked up to either a skill issue or the fact I’m just not the biggest beat em up fan. It’s a solid, fun game (especially with friends) and I’ll probably beat it again to unlock everyone

This was some ass. I understand why it’s ass but it’s still ass

I wouldn’t say I’m the biggest Mario Kart person but this is pretty fun to play with friend's, and with the DLC courses it has basically every MK course you could want. Good fun 👍

This game looks fucking hilarious