I think this game is rly fun
I think it could use quite a bit of work but it’s rly good for what it is

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This game is like if my friends and I tried to make Cruelty Squad
I say that in a good way btw

Was waiting to know what this game is like with friends but they never bought it :(
Rly fun tho I like it a lot

Zamn this game slaps. Great story great soundtrack great characters
There’s some obtuse difficulty spikes if you ask me but nothing you can’t get over with some practice. This game is hard as hell to pick up but once you get the hang of things it sorta just works.

Don’t let the fact that this is a hyped up streamer game dissuade you from playing it
For only $10 this is some of the most fun I’ve had with a multiplayer game with friends like ever.
This game is like perfectly designed to just be hilarious among friends.
Absolute joy. My only real issue is that when you buy silly cosmetic stuff like the romantic table that it doesn’t stay permanently but it’s such a minor flaw it doesn’t matter.

It’s true what they say about these old AC games they’re fucking weird to control lol. I think this game given new controls would be super fun though, I’d love to see someone update this game. Also the debt system is fucking me over so hard.

I’ve played this mod several times over
I absolutely love the overhaul of the magic system and certain lackluster areas in the game like Redmane Castle or Lake of Rot.
I think some of the original bosses here like Skarde or Godskin Matriarch could definitely use some polish but they aren’t bad by any means.
Another think I really like about this mod is it’s willingness to explore the obscure aspects of Elden Ring lore and create new aspects. It makes the mod feel like it could exist within the lore without stomping all over potential grounds for the DLC or future installments to cover.

Tbh I totally forgot I played this
The gameplay is alright tho very repetitive
But that song at the beginning fucking slaps

Good game
Great sequel
Expanded on everything I could’ve wanted except Hel why’s Hel in a jar :(
I liked the bike missions a lot
And that Naga boss fight went crazy!!!

This game has great story and good gameplay
I rly like the venom mission running around as venom is fun me likey
Make a venom game

Idk man I tried but after playing on 2 different platforms with 2 different builds, it just ain’t doing it for me
The quintessential generic run of the mill Souls Like

This is one of those games like Plants vs Zombies where criticizing it is kinda really fucking hard because the gameplay loop is too simple to have major flaws
This is a great game by all means honestly
I think the addition of microtransactions is ENTIRELY unnecessary but they’re also very ignorable so it doesn’t really take away from the quality of the game.

What a game
Fantastic story and gameplay
Great dialogue
Great ending
Some real big difficulty spikes and a lot of unfair deaths in the level design
But I can overlook these flaws in favor of what is truly a wonderful experience

This game is like rly good but the auto save is super inconsistent and it’s kinda too time consuming

Very good lil game, difficulty spikes are a lil ridiculous tbh but aside from that it’s pretty damn solid