my eyes hurt because the entire game is brown + 2 thousand particle effects -- still fun! nothing special though

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I know there's flaws in this game (pricing, each of the 3 styles are functionally the same, police show up too easily, graffiti mini-game) but honestly it doesn't even matter to me. It took me a while to beat the game because it's just fun to ride around getting big combos in these huge levels, exploring every nook and cranny to maximize your score and get collectibles. Also there's a multiplayer mod.

Story is really good and interesting, and combat can be either really satisfying or really obnoxious, and the world felt both empty and populated? Definitely prefer BOTW's world. I think it's really weird that most of the strongest weapons/armors are available early to midgame, so I just had a surplus of shards and machine parts that I didn't know what to do with.

MULTIPLAYER MAKES THIS GOATED (greatest of all time entering dreamland)?! not as good as i remember it and it is surprisingly short

Once I realized this game is basically just A Hat in Time 2, I enjoyed the hell out of it since it's one of my favorite games of all time. Shoutouts to Raz's Archetype, love that little guy.

Found myself getting more annoyed by the camera and the design choices (couldn't tell whether I was meant to run or hide) than nervous/scared. I'll probably revisit this next year and change my mind like I did with SH2.

solid metroidvania! i honestly just had a well-rounded early game loadout that felt satisfying and just stuck with it the whole game. didnt really feel slow at the beginning because of this, but i can definitely see why others would think so

This felt like a weird mix of Shin Megami and Pokemon, where SMT lets you have multiple passives and constantly pushes you to swap your demons to fight certain bosses, this ROM hack gives each Pokemon 4 abilities and also pushes you to switch out your team to counter certain important battles. I just don't think it's as engaging as it could be, and during the second half of the game I was just wishing I was playing an SMT game.
My biggest issues were the number of fights and the weird difficulty. I got incredibly sick of running into random trainers, especially the ones with more than 3 Pokemon, after I found a team that I settled on. Once the important fights started to throw random Legendaries at me, it felt very lopsided since they would sneeze at me and OHKO me. To be fair, I did pick the hardest difficulty but it felt super restricting having to pick certain Pokemon that would maybe counter them.
All in all, there are some neat ideas here but I think I'll stick with Emerald Rogue.

EEYIKES! this game really made me cry with fear! i think i might be afraid of monsters now!!

i love the little picked men. i want to eat the red ones because they remind me of tomato.

i genuinely have no idea what to say about this game other than it was fun and i think the nurse lady is hot.