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Elfgore completed Yu-Gi-Oh PokéDuel
My favorite romhacks are usually the ones that bring about Fakemon. Getting a massive number of new Pokemon to battle with and learning all of the new types is incredibly fun. High effort ones are even more amazing and this is one of them. A downright absurd number of monsters are available, all with custom sprites, custom moves, and since it's built off Radical Red, you get a lot of quality of life features. Well worth a play if you like Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh.

3 days ago

Elfgore completed Fallout: A Tale of Two Wastelands
A mod of amazing scale that brings together Fallout 3 and New Vegas in ways that just elevate both games, in sometimes small and sometimes massive ways. An absurd weapons catalogue, skill checks in 3, and if you take the time, a very high number of compatible mods. Well worth a playthrough

3 days ago

Elfgore is now playing Yakuza 4 Remastered

4 days ago

Elfgore completed Yakuza 3 Remastered
I really liked Yakuza 3's story. The calm moments where you just run an orphanage work very well with the crime drama the series eventually turns into. I liked most of the new characters and many of the returning ones hold strong.

Side stories are fine. More down to earth than 0's or 2's, but not as dull as 1's. I'd say my biggest complaint is tracking them. The menu for it is bad and it frequently doesn't tell you what you need to do. Leaving your mindlessly wandering around the city looking for a green dot above someone's head or get pulled into a dialogue section.

Combat is the worst so far in the series. It is dull, boring, and lacking in real variety. Enemies, especially bosses, block spam like no tomorrow, while tracking you relentless when you try to hit them from behind. When they go in heat mode, you're best off just running around until they queue up the QTE to get them out of it, or it runs out. It was not fun.

4 days ago

8 days ago

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