this is my favourite souls game

i literally dont remember a single thing about this game other than the combat was solid

i prefer this over the 2nd game because it feels a lot more classic and arcadey and it is HARD you will die a lot plz save often to save ur sanity

ending is REALLY LAME but the fact that this game came out in 2004 and looks this good graphically and has good physics is INSANE


this is what my high school experience was like

heavily influenced the next 10+ years of rpgs

shallow game but god damn the atmosphere is literally 11/10
nothing beats skyrim ambience and soundtrack

very overrated but the dialogue does outweigh a lot of the more mid parts like the turd graphics and lame combat

this is my least favourite souls game

sony has a phobia of making billions of zillion dollars (pc port)

i know ur lookin in that cave and ur feelin kinda brave go to bed ull be alright dont mine at night