217 reviews liked by EpicWolfy

oh like an undercooked egg yolk haha I get it very funny and also clever

One of the few 3DS games where the 3D effect really "works" and seems to add something to the game.

So many confusing and pointless systems with very muddy and uninspiring ui. It got my attention purely by having mature themes and furry ads but I didn't like anything about it while giving it a shot

I played 40 hours of this shit and didn't think to consider looking up if there was a gay marriage mod or not until after it ended. Ain't I fucking stupid! Anyway, I loved this a lot more than I thought I would!!!!! Now, I get to stare dauntingly at FE Fates on my plate next.....god help me.

I liked this game, it really felt like what I thought Insomniac would have done moving on from Spyro 3 if they didn't sell it. I'm really liked that the game was much more open. The game plays really well and has fun levels. My main issues were that it occasionally leaned into 3D platformer tropes too hard, sometimes levels got too same-y, the early bosses were meh, and the Sparx and Blink missions were boring/not fun.

surprisingly faithful progression of the Spyro formula, depsite foregoing portals and levels basically entirely. exploration and puzzle-solving is fulfillng, and each character (except Blink) is consistently fun in both control and style.

they killed this game to turn it into a NFT shill

Very fun fighting game that lacks the depth of tekken, but makes it more accesible to all ages. The music is good and the graphics are probably the best the pokemon series have ever seen. A sequel would be amazing, and if Nintendo would support the FGC a bit more, this game could be huge I beleive.

It was at this point where these games start to be tedious. Again, you'll probably like this one if the other two interested you, but I really think the series should have ended here.