this game makes me want to jump into a wood chipper feet first but i love women too much to stop playing

My feelings on this game are kind of mixed because on one hand even though its piss easy the gameplay and combat are absolutely incredible and some of the most fun i've had with a game in a while but on the other hand the story has a lot of low points and struggles to pick up for a lot of time. I'm also not a big fan of how it handles lots of serious topics as well as how a lot of the main cast feels like they just exist after their introductions. I'd say the 3rd semester makes up for my issues with the story of the base game and i enjoyed it quite a lot, good game.

if i ever go back to this game i need you guys to track me down and shoot me in the head

you can get the same amount of enjoyment from this as jump force which is worse but a lot funnier

having all your limbs cut off with a rusted knife is probably a more enjoyable experience than this

A horrible remake that butchers the story of the first game and adds an incessant amount of unnecessary content. The combat is as bare bones as you can get and revolves around just pressing two buttons with no thought whatsoever. without a doubt one of the worst games I've played

im convinced if i dont play this game at least once a month i'll just explode

we love jetpack joyride

the best part about this game is the song in opening cutscene and what follows is one of the worst video game experiences of all time

If Tama was real i'd actually get therapy

score is based purely off the story