One of the best platformers ever made, with wonderful gameplay, really cute visuals and characters and incredibly catchy music. It is such a shame the developer was so mistreated by the publishers of the newer versions of the game.

Doom 3 is a weird game. It tries to be a horror title, but it is Doom at its core. So you are an unstoppable killing machine with a shitty flashlight that doesn't work half of the time, and this game can get really, really dark (talking exclusively about lighting here). Gunplay is not the greatest in the series and I personally don't enjoy this game's shotgun all that much. Other than that, it is a perfectly serviceable shooter.

The ultimate World of Warcraft nostalgic experience and one of the peaks of the game. Still, it continues to be a 2008 game and it shows in certain design decisions that were modified in more modern versions of the game.

The original World of Warcraft Vanilla is a nice experience to have under your belt, but a difficult game to come back to unless you have some company with you. This game, in this specific form, is clearly not finished and I would rather come back to "Wrath of the Lich King" for those nostalgic game sessions that I do at least for a week or two once a year.

The only Souls game that I played for an extended period of time and thoroughly enjoyed. I gave it some 50-60 hours and was more interested in exploring its vast and interesting locations than finishing the game. It is a very atmospheric experience that I recommend wholeheartedly.

This game starts ok and very quickly stops being ok. A mean platformer disguised as a kid friendly game, with tight jumps, enemies and other dangers waiting for you off screen, basically telegraphed first time deaths, and all of those old timey things that old devs thought meant "difficulty".

This roguelite is like crack cocaine. It plays amazingly, grabs you by your shoulders and doesn't let you go until it is way too late and you have lost all day playing it.

One of the most tight, wonderful Pokémon experiences you can have, and one of the best RPGs on the Game Boy Color, such a beautiful, delightful game.

One of the coolest, greatest looking, best-playing, more badass fighting games of all time. Grab your favorite scrimblo bimblo and beat the shit out of your opponents in style.

I miss this game at its peak so much. I used to love playing Sombra and getting amazing 200IQ plays from time to time with her, and now I feel like I will never have anything like it ever again.

I have played this game until level 50 and I still love the way it is designed. It is not an MMORPG for everyone, but for people who enjoy more involved quests, better stories and more nuanced classes in their MMORPGs, this is the game for you, even if the gameplay can feel antiquated in some regards.

I can't believe that the Game Boy Color version of Rayman is better than the original game. That's not saying much, and this game can be considered okay at best, but hey.

For the longest time this game was one of my favorites. It's a beautiful game with gripping gameplay, and very unique (apart from its spiritual successors).

This is, indeed, a video game. It exists. You can play it technically.

The best expansion (to date, November 2023) to the best modern MMORPG I've ever played, with a story that will make you think, laugh, cry, and feel like no other.