solid entry to a great series. really fun combat, very likable characters. ost wasn't anything to write home about but it wasn't offensive either. story was pretty decent as well. all in all, a pretty enjoyable time! love me some fire emblem <3

as my 3rd pokemon title to round out my first trio, i can safely say i really enjoy this series and will definitely be digging deeper! solid game, good mons to catch. irida is bae <3

this title truly hit different. awesome region, great dex, really good ost. rayquaza clears >>>>>

everything i ever hoped for. beautifully redone version of my favorite game of all time. any faults i feel toward it are subjective, but i truly feel this is the essential version of persona 3.

combat wise, miles is a blast to play as. story was below average, getting real tired of corrupt corporations as villains. love the cat bodega suit. all in all, decent bite sized game!

was a fan of the original (only beat midgar) so i wanted to check this out and it did not disappoint. other than the combat feeling a little strange at times but pretty nice when it worked, i enjoyed my time with remake. loved the characters notably aerith and red xiii. the ost was killer, and midgar was gorgeous. solid game, gonna go beat the original now brb

absolutely solid spidey game. yuri lowenthal sounds so natural as pete/spidey.

im in love with this series, and celica

tanimura type beat. akiyama vibes. kino game gn.

surprisingly good game. fun shooting mechanics, cool set pieces, and they really put lara through alot lol. love her character though.

this game is a clear example that the soulslike genre still has so much more room to grow and be refined. it takes the formula and delivers a lovingly crafted unique spin on it, showcasing that this type of game knows no bounds. it's like bloodborne and sekiro melted into one and out came this fresh title that whooped some ass. stellar game!

Really sweet & vibrant tech demo + introduction to the PS5. It celebrates playstation's history and shows off the dualsense in a neat way, with lots of cute references to IP of the brand's history. Highly recommend!

i love yuffie kisaragi, also that ost went hard for no reason.

One of FromSoft's absolute best. Addicting combat, it really is a "rhythm game." Killer bosses with great designs, beautiful world to explore. SEKIRO, HESITATION IS DEFEAT.