I absolutely LOVED this game! The tried and true Neptunia turn-based combat system makes an awesome return for this epic entry in the mainline series!

I am not sure what Compile Heart did differently when they composed the music for this game but the soundtracks were on a whole different level compared to the previous mainline series entries! The fun story, characters, culture, and combat made this game so much fun!

I played the VII-R version as it had a handful of QoL improvements over the original VII version. Hihgly recommend this one!

I wanted to like the game so bad as many of my friends loved it. However, even on the easiest difficulty, I continued to struggle and found myself just wanting to get to the next cutscene after all the tediousness of the combat and decided the game just wasn't for me. Enjoyed the characters and story.

I wanted to like the game so bad as many of my friends loved it. However, even on the easiest difficulty, I continued to struggle and found myself just wanting to get to the next cutscene after all the tediousness of the combat and decided the game just wasn't for me. Enjoyed the characters and story.

At first tried to play the Steam version, but my PC couldn't handle it. So I purchased the PS4 version and played it on my PS5. Once I got used to the combat, this game was a pure joy to play. The music constantly slapped, the story was great, and I loved to join my phantom thief friends for another adventure!

Played the Japanese version on PS5 with the ZeroField Team's overlay which contained their high-quality English fan translation back in 2021! Very much enjoyed the game!

I will admit, I am a bit afraid to try this game due to how difficult I have been told it is!

This game was a joy to play in 2024! The combat was easy and fun! I enjoyed both protagonists of this game and the compelling story as well!

Was very glad I chose the Black Eagles route so I could play two routes in Act 2 without needing to drudge through Act 1 again. Enjoyed the characters and story of 3H more than Engage, but I enjoyed Engage's fun and easy gameplay along with the quickness of it's Somniel compared to the Monestery portions of this game.