Fuck Activision for canceling the remastered version of this games as this is, at least in my opinion, the best modern warfare with a crap load of content thrown in it.

The campaign gets absolutely ludicrous with all of it set pieces and the best finale to any cod game ever. Period.

Without a doubt, the main highlight of this game is Spec Ops, which has been completely overhauled into a new, crazy experience. Survival is such a fun, and insanely creative mode that is a blast with friends as you just get stronger and stronger as the game goes on.

However, the real highlight is Spec Ops: Chaos. An arcade style experience that is a huge ecstasy rush for such a simple little concept. Grab a weapon and don’t stop killing. Absolutely fantastic worth it for that mode alone.

I’d say my main criticisms with the game is that, while the multiplayer is fun, it’s mostly unplayable due to activision messing with the servers or hackers. And plus, with the Xbox 360 marketplace going down in about 8 months, some of the content may be lost in time if you don’t get it.

But overall, what a blast to play and is the superior modern warfare compared to activision’s shitty new trilogy

Is that a fuckin' crab with a cannon on its back?!?!

The last MS game to have the original team, it's safe to say that they went out with a RACKETLOWNCHERR

A crazy game that tests your skills to a point yet is so addicting thanks to its fantastic, kinetic gameplay and amazing sound design.

If you beat the first and enjoyed its incredibly charismatic graphics, they go apeshit with this game as it is just visual heaven for your eyes

Go play it or I'll go brrrrrr with my HEAVYMAWCHINEGUNN!!!

Out of all the games to make into a dark and serious parent game, why was God of War chosen to be?

It’s weird since the series was always known for being a very gigantic and over the top serve of games but with this game, they seem to think that the series is now deep?

Anyways, I don’t understand the overwhelming amount of praise this game gets as I really don’t find the combat loop to be fun and feels so restrictive and tedious. Exploring the world is agonizing slow as there’s pointless walking segments that drag on for way too long.

I’ll give it this, it’s presentation and story are good but I do not get why they made this game connect to GoW, probably since it’s an iconic franchise and has made it’s published a ton of money?

Yeah, I don’t find this game all too great, it’s another example of games journalists willing to mindlessly worship a game since it’s deep.

(P.S. if you think this game is still amazing, don’t let my opinion cloud your judgement, I just wanted to speak out on what I like or don’t like.)

The Just Cause of Japan

A very weird yet extremely fun shooter that is one of my personal favorite exclusives of the Xbox 360, EDF2017 is a riot and deserves to be remembered as such

The game is fairy simple, from a narrative and gameplay view, which means that anybody can try out this game and get it right away.

The act of shooting Ants and all types of enemies is ridiculously satisfying along with having an arsenal of dozens of weapons to try out

It is a tad on the repetitive side, but the game consistently rewards the player with more weapons to try out which keeps encouraging replayability.

While there is no online co op, it’s still fun with friends thanks to split screen. For all of its faults, I still hold a tremendous amount of respect for the game as if this game never released for America back in 2006, we probably would not have seen this series get localized further in the states.

To conclude, I can heavily recommend as a fun, mindless shooter with a ton of destruction! As of the writing of this review, the game is available for 5 bucks on the Xbox store. So if you’re interested, why not give it a shot?

You get to annihilate cities and bugs, what’s not to love about this game?

Broken as Fuck but is an amazing fighting game with so much love for the characters animation and personality along with the lighting fast combat.

Soundtrack kicks ass as well (Fuck the reviewers who said the jazz sucked)

Now that the demand is there, "Don't you wanna rematch?" Capcom?

A game with so much style and subtlety that I never get tired of playing, R4 is easily one of the best racing games ever made and my favorite Namco PS1 game.

The control and gameplay in this gem is superb and feels so clean to just drive and drift hard corners

The stories for all the teams are just wonderful as they keep motivating you to do better and better each time.

The OST is also a dream for your ears as it's combination of Jazz, House, D&B, and Techno are all so well composed and fit the stages extremely well

Hopefully if this release does well, we can get a new Ridge Racer? Pwease Namco or just port all of the games?

I'm very mixed on this title as it does some things I absolutely cannot stand such as the awful amount of grinding, yet I can't put the game down.

It's arguably the most unique game in Castlevania yet its the last title where the metroidvania gameplay still exists.

The combat loop is fun but the tedious amount of grinding to get decent gear or to level up specific skills is arduous.

I'm mixed, and I guess my words are as empty as my soul.


One of the most influential and revolutionary first person shooters of all time, this port is pretty fucking amazing and adds more content than ever before.

The shooting in this game feels amazing along with the atmosphere, which is so unique with its lovecraftian vibes.

A lot of content is added as well, including the original dlcs, Machine Game’s Dimension of the past and machine, along with a punishing yet addictive horde mode

Pretty amazing also Trevor Reznors screams are beautiful and melancholic

For only 5 dollars, this game is an absolute steal and is a top contender for studio Treasures best game aside from Radiant Silvergun and Bangai-O

Another game, another genre redefined thanks to the genius’s at Treasure.

The combat is bit complex and will take some time to learn compared to other Beat-Em-Ups but once you master them, the game gets absolutely ludicrous with the stuff you can pull.

The sprite work is also extremely well done with characters being so expressive along with having multiple characters to play as.

The new graphics look extremely flat and mushy, thankfully the game allows you to play with the original style as well.

The 360 version also adds online play, up to 12 people can play in the games 1v1 mode along with it being playable on XSX thanks to backwards compatibility.

Overall, for it’s price, it’s an absolute steal and a must have for fans of Beat-Em-Ups or fans of studio treasures work.

The best version of the game that not only comes with all of its dlc but some new content as well!

The gameplay is just as frantic and fast-paced as RE4 but adds some tweaks to make it feel much more fast and I honestly prefer the restricted yet snappy menu.

The story is… absolutely stupid but I love it.

One of my biggest negatives is the overall pacing of the main campaign which is pretty poor at some points along with how constant you have to manage AI Sheva.

It’s heavily encouraged to play with a buddy through online co op, which is pretty fun, but it makes the single player experience feel kinda like a drag with your AI partner constantly burning ammo

Aside from those negatives, It’s still a bunch of cool action fun and it often goes on sale for about 9 dollars. Overall, I can recommend this game to people who are interested in the action oriented trilogy of the Re series

A top contender for one of my favorite games ever made, Symphony of the Night still remains an absolute classic after almost 30 years.

The combat and exploration both feel amazing as the castle is filled with so much stuff to discover along with the many spells you can find throughout the game.

The music and art direction are superb, with it all feeling so timeless and still feels new when replaying it again.

I can still highly recommend this game to anyone and is a great place to start into the castlevania series.

Oh yeah, it also helped coined the genre Metroidvania, pretty cool.

This game has a lot of potential to be good but there is essentially no support for the game when it comes to new stages. Also the player base fucking dipped after the 1st season which is kinda sad

But hey, Lebron be ballin’

I’ve had multiple seizures because of this game but it was totally worth it

Easily my favorite game from Smilebit and is a certified classic

The gameplay still feels fresh and is a joy to roam around the city of Tokyo-To

The music is absolutely crazy with music from Ad-Rock and Mike D of the Beastie Boys to the eclectic techno themes of Hideki Naganuma and Richard Jacques.

The game still remains incredible and it’s a damn shame that it hasn’t seen an official rerelease onto new consoles. But if you do happen to own a powerful PC or og Xbox, I can absolutely recommend it.

A turning point for the resident evil series, this game was able to translate the series from B movie horror towards a new genre successfully.

The games combat is still arcadey and fun along with the weapons being all useful in their own ways.

This game is on more platforms than Skyrim, so there’s no reason to go out and try it.