Made it half way through the 2nd jail and kinda just forgot about the game, was gonna come back to it when I moved and couldn't connect to the internet at the time but it just didn't work?

Either way I think I got the general gist of the game. I'm not all for musomo games but they did a good job transitioning P5 into an action game, it's an overall good fit, not my cup of coffee though.
The story didn't seem like anything special. Again, I was still pretty early into the game but it just seemed like a nice side story where we get to see our friends again, not that there's anything wrong with that.
I think I would've personally preferred if the game was just, one really big jail? but that's just me.
No score cause I didn't finish it

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance/10

Fun, but not my cup of tea when it comes to action games.

What the fuck is happening?

Where's everyone going? Bingo?
9.5/10 My aim still sucks

This game was a fucking blur, I barely remember shit. All I know is classic RE is not for me

Although I didn't like it as much as RE2, I found myself replaying this one more. Reason? I have no idea, this game made me lose my shit and not in a good way.
7/10 Mr.X was scarier

My first Resident Evil game and I'm hooked on the series.
8/10 My aim sucks

Finished the 2B story, was very confused and was told to go back cause there's still 2/3 of the game left. I started 9S's story but stopped very early in and haven't really bothered to continue. Maybe when I get in the mood for it again I'll wrap it up. (I also hate bullet hell)

Eh, not as bad as people say it is, might comeback to it eventually.

Loved the story, combat, stealth, world, traversal, visuals, music. It does what it needs to do and does it wonderfully. The one thing I wish this game had was endings based on your actions throughout your whole journey. Maintain your honor and be a samurai? or embrace the responsibility of the ghost? shit like that. But that's just my dumbass rambling.
9/10 Did I mention this has multiplayer?

I'd say P3FES had a stronger story than P5R but it wasn't as well executed. I feel not having social links with about half the SEES members made it a little harder to get attached to them and P3R will probably fix this with the new night activities.

Tartarus is a bitch, fuck Nyx, and I didn't hate the command based combat until Mitsuru missed Marin Karin for the 100th time and Yukari decided to heal Akihiko instead of me for some reason.

8/10 still cried at the end

The first JRPG I completed and probably my favorite (at least until P3R drops)

An overall step up from the first game in terms of Swinging and uhh... honestly that's about it.
The story is still great but I'd be lying if I said it affected me as much as the first game but I won't go into why because that's not really my strong suit.
My main issue with the game was that it kind of disappointed me how Peter and Miles don't really feel distinct enough. Going into this game and considering how these characters played in their own respective games, I assumed that Peter would be the one with the more complex and crazy advanced tech/gadgets and Miles would be more reliant on his powers. Instead both characters shared the same 4 gadgets (which are pretty boring compared to what was in the first game), and 4 super abilities that all function nearly the same. These things are well implemented into the gameplay but it still doesn't make these two characters feel any different. Whenever I have free time in game I never really felt any urge to switch from one character or another because they basically played the same. And maybe this is my DMC brain talking but I really don't like that I had to pick between which super abilities I wanted, not like I wanted access to everything at once but I don't see why not let the player mix and match some abilities, add more possibilities for more loadouts.

Also the game is just kind of unfinished, there's still some bugs that were in both previous games that are still prominent, namely the one where an enemy clips through a wall or disappears, soft locking the mission. And some basic accessibilities like changing the time of day and weather are missing. (this doesn't really count but I think it's worth mentioning that I briefly played the Ver 1.0 of the game and that was some cyberpunk shit man, this game needed more time in the oven)

8/10 didn't live up to what I personally wanted, but still a great time