I'm absolutely in love with this game so far. it's still a buggy mess admittedly, and the FOV is sickeningly low, but pushing through that is a beautiful world with great characters and voice acting, customization a story. hope it maintains that throughout the whole game and dlc.

i waited 8 years for this game. i remember going to the midnight release at gamestop to pick it up and practically crying with excitement the whole way home. just knowing i had school the next day and couldn't play it immediately was enough to bring a tear to my eye. but that day of school was the fastest of my life, or maybe the slowest. it was keeping me from peak afterall. but when that school day ended, i had nothing but time with my new baby. i ran home, ignoring my friends on the way and sat in my chair so fast that i spun in circles. i hadnt even had time to wind down from class before i had the title menu up. by the time the words "By 1899, the age of the outlaws and gunslingers was at an end" i already had tears in my eyes. the game i experienced during that time was perhaps the greatest i had ever played. it was certainly the happiest i had ever been to play a video game before. once everything sank in, i had come to the conclusion that this game has the greatest story, and cast of characters ever made. unfortunately my opinion has changed a bit for the gameplay and overall replayablitiy of the game. sadly i don't know if i will ever be able to play it again. Replaying RDR2 is so difficult because of how long everything is to do, and how linear it all is in the level design, and how open it all is in the open world. it doesn't know what it wants to be. none of these problems will be reflected in the rating i give it however as my first experience was simply one of the greatest times ive ever had in my life, also i believe the story and characters carry the game so far that it would shame all of humanity if i gave it less than a 5/5. Play both of these games for the first time and forget about your problems for a while. you'll thank me later, and you'll thank Rockstar too for allowing you to play such art.

Probably the best video game expansion ever released. otherwise its the same as the base game. play it.

The best rockstar game of the 360 era and maybe of all time. one of the greatest video game characters and stories ever put on a disc. worth submitting your life and soul to rockstar forever just to experience this game. you wont ever forget it.

I think this is the best gaming remake in the post RE2make craze. you know my opinion on the non RE1 remake games, but DS1 doesn't have those issues... as much. There are still issues like the voice acting and casting, and minor story changes that are lesser than the original, but is pretty much made up for entirely by the beautiful looks of this dreadful ship and the improved gameplay and VOICED ISAAC. this is probably the best incarnation of Isaacs character and definitely the best vocal performance for him. new and improved story moments as well as a whole new ending all make this such a great experience and a fantastic remake of an already fantastic game.

Call me crazy if you like, but i believe this game holds up just fine to the rest of the series as long as you play it was intended, with a good friend in co-op. makes carver's character much more interesting and overall just improves the game. i actually hope co-op comes back sometime in the series. i think the gameplay is improved by having a good pal at your back.

The far superior Dead space of the bunch. an incredible sequel with fantastic gameplay improvements and a great visual style.

such a wonderful game from the time when resident evil 4 owned the world. Dead Space 1 was one of the best games of its year, but was surpassed by its sequel in almost all aspects.

The worthy sequel I wanted. psychonauts 2 is one of the best and most beautiful sequels to an ancient childrens game of the last.. forever. everyone ever needs to play both of these games just to experience what its like to be a kid in the early 2000's. masterpiece.

I adore this game from the bottom of my heart. Psychonauts is a wonderful game with great characters and a beautiful art style. hope it gets a worthy sequel... OH WAIT

I was so disappointed by this when it came out that i didnt even bother to buy it, but in hindsight, i dont know how i ever came to that conclusion. i havent even gotten close to beating it cause i dont have any friends to play it with, but i already can tell that every aspect of the game is better than D1. hope to get through it some day with a squad

I LOVED this game when it released. The Division was about the only thing that could pull me off Destiny back in the day. i still think its one of the best co-op pvp shooters out there. played it many times

a significant improvement over the original Separate ways, unlike the base RE4 Remake, even if it isnt hard to make such short and flawed Dlc for the original like SW better for a remake. still for 10$ its a more than worth it Dlc for an already good game. adds to the overall experience, even though Ada still sucks compared to any other version of the character

Alan Wake 2 is the best game thats released in the last decade. it has plenty of failures, but its overwhelming quality and passion and story and music and EVERYTHING catapults it to be game of the year 2023 and one of the better games ive ever played. i could not have asked for a better sequel to Alan Wake.