My buddy Kaio said it works pretty decently for supplemental lessons in between his pilot shit at college so Imma give it a 10 on his behalf

It's cool, definitely earned it's badass seal of approval(this is real, I still remember this from when I was 12 for some reason)

It's not bad but I fucking hate playing it so goddamn much in a competitive setting. I hated doing it with 4 and I hate doing it with this. I don't know why the fuck I ever bothered attending Xanadu venues with my brothers, playing this game competitively makes me seethe to no end.

Best part of Smash @ Xanadu 300 was when one of my bros spotted my meal at Denny's after the shit was over.

I'm kind of surprised that ubisoft managed to make a full length game that's comprised of open world drivel.
It's a decent time-waster and when you play it with friends on the 2 harder difficulties, you kind of have to play it like a glowy operation. It's a nice feeling to drone out a location in the dead of night and then start silently clearing out the area.

I played this shit through like 3 times on the same save when I was 10 and I didnt even realize until like 9 years later this was the one people fucking hated.

Kinda shit!

Its just more of the first game except with more versatile dual-wielding, some short side-missions, and another gimmick that comes in about halfway into the game. Said gimmick is one of three "contraptions" that compliment a style of play, I call it a gimmick because it didn't really have much of an impact on my playthrough, I chose the ram shackles cause it made the game more braindead to play so I could just rush through it and be done a little quicker.

This game also suffers from having an obnoxious difficulty spike at the ass end of it because there is NO ACTUAL BOSS FIGHT, it's just another encounter except with an onslaught of the game's harder enemies at the arena before you go run up and press your melee button/key to kill the boogeyman villain of this game.

The story is forgettable, I played this late Nov-early Dec and I already dont remember much of it besides the things that made me roll my eyes. The characters are mostly one-dimensional or just kind of there for a gag.

Thankfully, I didn't have to pay for this game cause I gameshared it off a friend's account. If I actually paid money for this I would've been disappointed more than I already was and dumbfounded. TNO didn't really set a high-bar, the word disappointed isn't really something I should have to use when I wasn't even expecting much in the first place.

If you want to try it out, torrent it.

Just absolutely terrible.

The most repetitive, boring gameplay I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing. Sometimes throughout the game you'll notice that the rooms are just repeating as if they actually copy-pasted the same room layouts 10 or so times and called it a level. The combat consists of either mashing circle or just beating the absolute fuck out of square.

Thank God movie tie-in games are a rarity now

I started this game in May 23, 2020. I played for just under 47 minutes and I did not have fun. I stopped playing the game when I saw that shitty little fake trollface above the 3d printer and then I uninstalled while writing the game off as cringe and boring. I was considering writing "FUCKING BORING" in that sentence but I figured I should leave it as just "boring" to proclaim just how dull the game is.

357 days later, that sentiment has not changed. I loaded my almost year old file and saw the classic "y u no" meme face on the loading screen and that already gave me an idea that I'm not going to enjoy what was to come. The first mission I did upon reinstalling was a blatant jab at Martin Shkreli and it was just so painfully unfunny. Like wow this was truly a relic of the year it was released.

I played for another 50 and its still just as bad as I had first thought it to be on my first impression.
The gameplay is generally boring and the gunplay feels awful. I shouldn't have to unlock an ability to make a semi-automatic pistol shoot like a fucking semi-automatic pistol.
While the parkour that Marcus is capable of looks kinda cool and is flashy, it's bogged down by the fact that it looks rather sluggish in motion and it makes me feel that Marcus is moving rather slowly for the sake of showing off whatever the hell the team decided to mocap.
I will admit that the soundtrack did have a few catchy tracks in there but thats about it in terms of things I liked in this game.
Also for some reason the game just looks blurry as shit. It doesn't matter if you're on maxed out settings and using TAA, MSAA, or TXAA. It looks blurry. Like "poorly implemented DLSS in a vr game" blurry.

Open world drivel. Nothing new, nothing particularly interesting. Maybe I'd have liked this game if I were still 12 or 13 and thought the style this game is presented with was still cool. I will give the game credit that it does have some stylization to it, but it's not something I cared for and like I said earlier, I probably would've liked this if I were still in middle school.


Pretty good, can't go wrong with an immersive sim. I played this game for a good 7.5 hours straight back when I got it and ended up neglecting to eat breakfast that day.

Definitely not perfect but it's still pretty damn good.

I'm not really sure how I should really describe the story and how it compares to the first game's but I still very much liked the story here. The slight continuity that LJ and Yakuza share were nice little nods that just kinda say, "yea that shit in Yakuza 7 happened."

When it comes to gameplay it's also mostly all improved either by quite a bit or just marginally. It's nice to see that they got rid of the consistent 95% speed that just happens in Judgment's combat while also improving the combat a decent bit. Don't worry about rushing to put thousands of skill points into combo speed upgrades as they don't exist anymore. The base combo speed is already solid. Crane actually feels like a decent style to use now and I think that's all I need to say about combat. Snake style was cool but I didnt really bother with it too much besides parrying so I could get the anti-knockdown buff.

The game doesn't have too many side cases with only 42 of them but instead you get the school story shit with it's own overarching plot. The school story stuff was decent but most of the minigames tied to them were whatever. They were a decent little distraction and a nice way to make a bunch of sp over time. I think had I not done the school story stuff, I wouldn't have at least a 3rd of the skills that I unlocked.

Still has some of that minigame reuse but the tailing doesn't last nearly as long and none of them are anywhere near as bad as tailing Higashi close to the end of Judgment, chase sequences are also slightly less jank. The stealth minigame was boring as shit and the less said about that the better. The faux-Uncharted climbing sections also weren't as bad as I was expecting, they're typically only a minute or two long and there aren't too many of them, you'd think they get progressively longer considering 3 of the upgrades are for increasing your grip meter but Im sure that shit was probably put in for people who are physically disabled and actually need a bit more time to do inputs.

Overall a nice improvement over Judgment.

I want to give this a 6 as I enjoyed it quite a lot when I first got my X1 but playing it 8 years later it just doesn't feel too great. It wasn't the worst 12.6 hours of my life I wasted but there was really only one scene I liked and that's with the first optional boss.

Fleshing out the open world aspect might've seemed like a nice idea but for something like Dead Rising, it just makes the game feel more generic. Even as a 13 year old I thought driving around the city was boring as hell which it still is. No amount of combo cars will make it not boring. The zombies were never much of a threat when youre in a vehicle anyway, they remain a mere nuisance and the qte for them never changes either so when you see that animation come up you already know what button/key to hit and likely already are mashing it just to get it over with whenever the prompt pops up. Due to the more fleshed out open world of this game as opposed to previous titles, that also means that there are a bunch of collectibles all over the map. Fun.

Also people weren't kidding when they say the pc port sucks. It's not the worst port I've played but God damn, they could have at least patched it at some point.

At least I was able to bring myself to finish this game again. Couldn't even play a single playthrough of DR4, that game had no redeeming qualities that I saw in the 2.2 hours I played of it

Perfect in my eyes. Story is good, the characters are unique, the music is terrific, and the artsyle is pleasing. The gameplay itself can be rather simple and shallow although it doesn't do anything inherently wrong that immediately comes to mind so it's not a terribly big deal.

I have to commend Gearbox on consistently getting writers for Borderlands that have never aged past middle school

Pretty solid, liked it enough to get all achievements. The late-game could be better(enemy variety, story rushes itself, exploration being rather fruitless later on) and it's very easy to get obscenely overpowered if you're a more thorough player. Post-game is pretty cool but doesn't have too much content going for it.
Judging by how piss-easy the game gets, I imagine this has a BBI-esque expansion that was being worked on simultaneously with core dev but we'll have to wait and see.

Beat my wenor to blender/sfm rule34 animation of fortnite models

No-build is fun