I don't really want to go in-depth here so Im just gonna say what Im thinking about.

Linear game with very minor exploration. Which isn't a bad thing, it's just that the game very quickly starts to feel formulaic.
You wander around through hallways to obvious combat arenas, crawl through vents and are shoehorned on to various narrow hold w to progress pathways for a jumpscare at the end.
Speaking of the jumpscares, they aren't really that good nor do they work that well. Granted, sure, it's "like Dead Space"
Back to the exploration, sometimes you get a side path which typically has some supplies for you to grab. Sometimes the game doesn't really show off which path is the main one. Sometimes you end up taking the main path, realize it after a minute or so of jogging and then back track to go grab whatever you might've missed. It can be pretty boring outside of combat, it is most of the time.

The combat can be pretty engaging when you get into the flow of dodge>combo>gun follow-up>stomp dead body for item drop.
When you get the GRP glove you essentially have all the utility you need in the game, greatly trivializing the rest of the playthrough outside of boss fights. The arenas in this game have very obvious throw enemy here for instant kill traps for you to use.
Also there's stealth in this game but it's pretty half-baked and just slapped in there so you can have a setpiece with a lot of blind enemies about halfway through the game.
It's a pretty boring segment and I kind of felt like I was cheesing that part by actually stealth killing most of the enemies which isn't very hard to do considering how artificial the ai pathing felt where they sometimes just line up for you to stealth kill them.
By the way, enemy item drops sometimes just don't show up which might be intentional but I doubt it considering it's like a 1 in 20 chance that bodies dont drop something or they do show up but they drop in a spot where you can't actually grab it.
You know that first Birkin fight in RE2make? Well that's most of the bosses in this game. Run, shoot, run, shoot. There are a couple bosses where instead of running and shooting, you get to dodge and melee them. Oh yea dodging in this game is just alternating A/D or left/right. You just hold it down and the game does it for you, sometimes unintentionally. So yea some of the bosses is A>D>A>Melee combo>gun followup.

Checkpoints in this game are iffy, they are sometimes placed pretty far back so you have to redo long walks or even worse, heal/use shop/switch weapons/reload weapons again after dying at a checkpoint for the 4th time. It can get pretty tiresome. Also manual saves aren't actual saves, they are just snapshots of checkpoints.

Game felt too easy halfway through, I cranked it up to maximum difficulty, game still gave me the hard mode achievement. Probably not gonna do another playthrough of this. Wish I didn't spend $60 on this. Oh well, I have a job, I get paid Tuesday, I'm not gonna worry so much about the $60 I spent on this in a week. Also disregard this, this is a bad spending habit.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I should really put this is a 5 or a 6, when the game had fun encounters, it was a solid 6, otherwise boring and unremarkable. I wouldn't recommend this but I got some enjoyment out of it.

Final note: I have not talked about the story, the visuals, or music. It was all pretty whatever.
Kind of shitty gore also sci-fi unreal engine 4 game
Shrill sfx

I remember being 10 years old and seeing a game case for this on the shelf at blockbuster. Thought that was the coolest shit

A pretty damn solid game, it's well made and very much enjoyable although I'm not really sure if I care enough to keep playing. I haven't progressed past the first region and I'm already starting to get a little tired of this game. I feel if I keep playing more than I already have, I'll just get sick of it and end up with a more lukewarm idea of the game.

I don't feel like writing a review for it on google maps so I'll write my quick rundown on Mr.Beast Burger here because I figure, "hey I just had a pretty dull meal so lets talk about it on the page for a pretty dull game".

First off the plus: The presentation was alright with the stylized box giving a nice little flair to it separating it from a standard burger joint where you just have a labeled wrapper or box, although since I ordered a fat bastard meal through Ubereats I got an almost entirely unmarked brown bag with generic brown tape enclosing it, sure it's a relatively recent chain but you'd think they would have that kind of branded bagging and shit by now.
This is also probably the first time I have ever grabbed a burger and not have had my hand covered in grease immediately after getting a hold of it, that's as far as my compliment for that goes.
The fries were crispy and I quite like crinkle cut fries so that was nice.
Any praise stops here

The buns are thick and dense. I also said earlier that the burgers aren't covered in oil so they end up being pretty dry which doesn't help at all with the thickness of the buns.
Since the location near me doesn't have fountain soda yet, for the fat bastard meal I ordered I had one(1) 12oz canned Sprite to accompany it. So you get dry buns, a hefty chunk of fries, and not much liquid to scarf it down with.
Since these are smashpatties you don't really get much ground beef with the burger so I feel the majority of the caloric content of the burger ended up being the thickass buns. Also due to the fact that you don't get much in the way of actual meat, I don't see a real point in getting one of these burgers unless you really just like the taste of bread. The condiments on the burger were ketchup, mustard, and mayo which sounds nice when you're 12 in the lunch cafeteria and you see the sauces and think Imma make me some sloppa. The sauces and the bread end up almost overpowering any flavor the beef would've had with the most prominent flavor on my mind being, "wow mustard is not great on a burger."
You can't ask too much from a generic shitty e-celeb branded burger joint but the fries seemed like they just dumped the seasoning in the container on top of the fries leading to a mediocre distribution of seasoning so you get the occasional fry thats just quite a bit saltier than the rest.
The chicken sandwich or whats actually labeled the "Crispy Chicken Tender Sandwich" is just lazy. I actually missed that it was a chicken tender sandwich cause I was just fixing to eat like a fat cunt since the last thing I ate was a pot of ramen at 9-9:30AM so I hastily added it to my cart to max out on the potential discount of the 50% off I was offered by Ubereats. Like the burger, dry, except its chicken so its even more fucking dry. Its also just chicken tenders so yea the mayo, lettuce, and pickles are nice but its uh, not really much else besides that. Just another bland, dry sandwich.

All in all, disappointing with a couple nice things that are quickly forgotten in the realization that you paid 20 US DOLLARS for a shitty burger combo meal. I could've gotten my food faster if I ordered from Shake Shack and I would've even gotten a shake too, a pretty damn nice shake at that.

Don't expect explanations for anything and I don't mean that in the "le quirky suda51 production" nonsense you'll see. Don't look for anything profound. I guess after playing TSA I expected more in the way of storytelling.

Can't really say that I'd want to go for 100% completion with this game but I might check gamefaqs in a month or so and clean up the collectibles.

9/3 - Well I got all collectibles and yea that's all there is to it. No special unlock, just a whole lot of shirts that you probably won't ever use cause chances are you're already wearing the one you think looks best and if not your favorite its probably cause you were mashing A to get through the prompts causing you to accidentally equip the last shirt you unlocked. I still enjoy the game for what it is but it's horribly shallow and the overworld really is just dull. Even if you spruce up the overworld with nicer visuals it's still would look just as dull cause what the hell is there to do there besides going to marked spots. It's not like there are many unique sites to bask in the view of.

If you can even consider the open world to be a playground then let me equate it to this. You are going to a playground at an odd time of day so there's not much for you to do with anybody besides attempt to make your own fun and making your own fun here is going down a list and doing the things that you haven't yet. Except the things you haven't done, you kind of already have far too many times over.

Having the best combat in an NMH game is a nice feat that gets horribly bogged down by the evergrowing tankiness of enemies thereby damn near negating any damage upgrades you got. I spent 27 minutes on a 15 wave defense mission and somehow that was still a B rank.

Closer to a 7 than an 8, might change later. Scratch that Im just changing it now. Cleaning up defense missions and the collectibles made me change this down to a 6

I didn't buy into the hype much and I'm still disappointed. For me, it's just another open-world game. I didn't care too much for the story and I'm sure that impacted some of my enjoyment of it but I don't care enough to consider giving it another playthrough

Campaign: Whatever. Far Cry but better. Not by much though.

Multiplayer: Limited playlists, low amount of maps, and SBMM make this rather unsavory to play. Im also just not really a Halo guy.

Also it's a battle pass that spans half a fucking year. You can take your time with it, stop whining about a lack of xp progression between matches. The monetization system is the same as any other game with a cosmetic shop you pack of fucking nerds. No one cares that you don't get to play dress up with the armor cause you don't want to pay for it.
Dipshit redditors really like whining about everything. Be glad you fucking dorks don't have to deal with lootboxes anymore, I'll take the current shop over that rng bullshit.

Ok, I think that's the fastest I've dropped a game. From the shit audio, the shit intro cg, and the shit combat. It just sucks. I got this dogshit for free with my cpu last year and I still feel cheated.

(This section was written before I actually got to any combat)
Holy fucking shit. What the hell is this audio. Seriously what the fuck is this. This has lower quality audio than some PS2 games I've emulated. Did they not think people would use headphones when playing this game? I'm using SRH1840s, I know what good sounding audio is and this is not it. This is offensively bad audio quality. It's also horribly mixed too. Fucking astonishing, what a fucking joke.

Good arcadey, meatgrinding fun.
Can get pretty damn frustrating considering people do not communicate and actual smooth brains take the officer roles. This kind of game asks that you play suicidally to take points; don't worry so much about your own k/d, just push and keep throwing yourself at the wall.

Class progression is a boring grind made worse by needing to do challenges after hitting level prerequisites so you can unlock shit for your loadout. You can expect around 12 hours to fully grind out a class going off my own play time as assault

Don't ask for a comparison to Tannenburg or Verdun, I never tried them. Going off what I've heard, this is generally just a Verdun expansion.

A little generous in some areas with it's bonfires but consistently a terrific game. I actually didn't get filtered by Demon of Hatred on this playthrough so I can say I actually beat the damn game this time

Yes I really have replayed this shit like 5 times in the span of 3 days. It is good

1/28: Finished NG+7; Started Charmless on a fresh save

1/29:Finished Charmless

As a VR game released in 2016, I can see why this got the praise it did. Playing it around summer of 2020, as I finished the game I thought, "Thats it?"

It's playable and can be enjoyable but it's nothing special at all, it's painfully generic. The guns mostly feel the same too as handguns and smgs account for a large number of the guns this game has to offer. The gameplay is pretty monotonous and Im kind of glad this game was as short as it was(about 3 hours) cause Im sure if it went for much longer, I wouldnt have bothered finishing it. This game is offensively overpriced, it's $40 for a vr game made in 2016(for VR standards that pretty damn dated). You can speedrun this game, refund it, and spend your money on something better. Pirate this unless you enjoy wasting money or really want to play coop with someone

Visually, the game is pretty damn nice. That's about my only praise for this.

It's a serviceable game but I wouldnt recommend it
There were times when I was playing that I thought I might've gotten a better experience playing the original as it still felt like I was playing a dated game even with the graphical makeover this game got. The mission structure is pretty dull, the story is corny, and the combat works although it could be much better. Gunplay is mediocre and the guns themself sound weak, maybe if they had someone who knew how to actually mix audio they wouldnt sound so bad.

Playing through this game, I felt like I was playing Mafia 3 except with a Mafia 1 makeover. Kind of like the Yakuza remakes.

If this actually took you longer than 20 hours to beat, you might just be bad at games