The craziest twist of the developing of the franchise I've seen probably ever.
After so opened "Snake eater" that included so many different possibilities, Kojima took the Snake into this not so gigantic game, that screams how it is made for portable console but thanks to that MGS revealed something amazing.
Beautiful cutscenes, made with Shinkawa artworks instead of classical rendered in real time with 3D model characters, thanks to that some fresh air have gotten into our lungs.
Also to not burn this little console the levels are split into these short missions, made specificly for quick rides to the work/school etc. This very feature presents how enjoyable, new ways are there to still explore, even in already known formula.
The GOAT. Do not let this miss you just because it's portable.

Outstanding in both espionage and survival.
Creating new ways in stealth through finally showing the player how well hidden they are, right into their face thanks to new camouflage mechanic.
Survival - through taking care of our wounds that are consequences of not playing safe enough, also for one time only in the franchise stamina bar that the player needs to take care of, during hunt in the middle of the jungle.
Also incredible plot and characters, that's still makes me think a lot about this particular entry of the series.
In addition to the best Bond theme the Bond franchise could only dream about.

After shaking the whole industry Kojima obtained the power of enormous expectations that he was very aware.
From the one hand he created really good sequel in the Metal Gear franchise, and from the other - one of the most meta joke/deception in the industry.
Creating complex, incredibly accurate plot about false informations, tricking somebody and playing with their expectations not only as a character inside a game, but also the fanbase.
Feel honored to be able to experience it through the Master Collection.

Okay, here we are - first actual live reaction on backloggd.
Metal Gear Solid is straight up amazing. Even if the controls are fucked on Master Collection and from the my beginning with the franchise I see how lazy Konami is, I still had wonderful time.
My first Kojima game and you can tell at every corner how actually wild this man is. Breaking 4th wall, making it a game mechanic, wonderful atmosphere driven by very movie-ish narration and filled with this silly humour.
Revolutionary at every aspect and can't wait to open up the second one.

would be 5 if these dumbasses wouldn't take away the parkour (literally essancial and one of the most fun aspects of the game) in the fucking expansion