would be 5 if these dumbasses wouldn't take away the parkour (literally essancial and one of the most fun aspects of the game) in the fucking expansion

Okay, here we are - first actual live reaction on backloggd.
Metal Gear Solid is straight up amazing. Even if the controls are fucked on Master Collection and from the my beginning with the franchise I see how lazy Konami is, I still had wonderful time.
My first Kojima game and you can tell at every corner how actually wild this man is. Breaking 4th wall, making it a game mechanic, wonderful atmosphere driven by very movie-ish narration and filled with this silly humour.
Revolutionary at every aspect and can't wait to open up the second one.

After shaking the whole industry Kojima obtained the power of enormous expectations that he was very aware.
From the one hand he created really good sequel in the Metal Gear franchise, and from the other - one of the most meta joke/deception in the industry.
Creating complex, incredibly accurate plot about false informations, tricking somebody and playing with their expectations not only as a character inside a game, but also the fanbase.
Feel honored to be able to experience it through the Master Collection.

Outstanding in both espionage and survival.
Creating new ways in stealth through finally showing the player how well hidden they are, right into their face thanks to new camouflage mechanic.
Survival - through taking care of our wounds that are consequences of not playing safe enough, also for one time only in the franchise stamina bar that the player needs to take care of, during hunt in the middle of the jungle.
Also incredible plot and characters, that's still makes me think a lot about this particular entry of the series.
In addition to the best Bond theme the Bond franchise could only dream about.

The craziest twist of the developing of the franchise I've seen probably ever.
After so opened "Snake eater" that included so many different possibilities, Kojima took the Snake into this not so gigantic game, that screams how it is made for portable console but thanks to that MGS revealed something amazing.
Beautiful cutscenes, made with Shinkawa artworks instead of classical rendered in real time with 3D model characters, thanks to that some fresh air have gotten into our lungs.
Also to not burn this little console the levels are split into these short missions, made specificly for quick rides to the work/school etc. This very feature presents how enjoyable, new ways are there to still explore, even in already known formula.
The GOAT. Do not let this miss you just because it's portable.

Discovering phantom pain.
Not finished experience, that makes you feel like you lost something.
After spending so much time with this mf every shooter will just feel like a downgrade. The ability of rolling, shooting while rolling, crawling, laying down on the ground, even shooting while laying down in every fucking direction. This is probably the very best the shooter game could ever reach.
Not so Metal Gear, without David Hayter, very few cutscenes and most of the game feels plotless.
But when the plot hits, it's just crazy.
One of the best twists in a way of executing, and throwing visual clues at the same time connecting the world in really satisfying way.
One of the best replayable games.

In order to prepare myself to say the last final goodbye to the series with Metal Gear Solid 4 I decided to try again few earlier entries. Just to feel it again, but smoother, with the knowledge I have.
And it was pretty good. Trying to figure out every little referance, looking at certain character in much other light thanks to next games.
It's just amazing. Altough probably will not cure my phantom pain. It is great.

Actually when replaying the series this one was my most important. Not because it took some special place in my heart but how crazy the plot is, and how many of these informations just went by, without any notice.
Also takes place the nearest to the actual finale of the franchise, so it would be appropriate to understand the most I can while entering this world few years after the Big Shell incident.
Still amazing, still accurate, still incredible.

What an experience.
Infamously known as the father of the genre of the most difficult games in the industry. Some time ago I was even terrified to play any soulsborne game. Yet I'm here. And I'm grateful that I was able to get in contact with THE Dark Souls.
Amazing level design. Filled with glorious views in the background that are actually playable at some moment. Makes you feel that this world actually could be real.
Incredible deep lore, that you need to dive in into lots of sources to fully understand, and thanks to that this game is something more, even after finishing it.
Beatiful soundtrack, hitting really hard, even if so rarely. Cuz of that final boss battle feels thousand time more epic.
It truly is one of the greatest.

Almost entirely bounced off when fighting the boss at the dungeon game was like "yeah, you actually need an item that's hidden somewhere, good luck finding this shit" and without guide it's gonna be like 10 hours of looking aimlessly through the whole ass fucking world cuz nothing gives you the slightliest hint about where to look. You are looking for ice rod, so you probably coming back to Icy Dangeon but hell no. It's at the opposite site of the map, hidden behind some standard fucking wall.
And for some stupid ass reason to go one way into the another world you gonna need the warp. The warp that's hidden under a bloody bush. Bush that is not exceptional in ANY possible way. And I understand - they don't wanna be holding your hand throught the whole experience, and that's cool. But any implification, that's not ruining the immersy, would be much appreciated.
No idea how the kids finished this shit in golden age of SNES without easy access to the walkthroughs online. Like, when I was about 10 I was wondering why people need guides to their games. But THIS GAME is absolutly impossible to finish without any help from outside.
Soundtrack and artstyle is pretty cool.
I understand why some love it, and I'm pretty sure that after 2nd playthrough half of my allegations would just fade away but I ain't got the nerve to boot it up one more time.

1st time ever in my entire life, after finishing final quest of the game I felt the inner need to say out loud "fucking masterpiece".
This incredible conclusion to the story of friendly, little light-being did something I wasn't sure it could acomplish - it outgrew the original which personally I adore.
Devs listened to what worked in "The Blind Forest" and made more of it, upgrading it and enhnancing it, what wasn't so great was thrown away.
So thanks to that we are now fighting multiple bosses at the end of each more important quest, which are really fun, hard but not in a way that's making you rethink every desicion in your life.
Artstyle is able to fully gloom on newer generation, which is fulfilled by expanding the world, now varied locations - each with its own gimmick, and incredible views. New characters are absolutely gorgeus, every talk with them feels like a breathtaking concept art.
Previous entry of the duology was well known of emotinal moments that are accompanimented with deep and powerfull soundtrack, both are back, and are still as powerfull.
Story is plain simple as previous, storytelling is driven entirely by the stunning visuals, from time to time narrator speaks only to add more depth to what we are experiencing in this very moment.
"Ori and the Will of the Wisps" - in my eyes one of the greatest games I've ever had pleasure to play.

True beginning of the well known arkham universe that treaded a path for future videogames circulating around the comic superheroes.
The greatest part of the 1st Arkham entry has to be the combat and stealth system - both really simple in their construction yet so satisfying that allows for lot of freedom thanks to different gadgets and their usage.
Very linear in terms of stroytelling with some good moments, like Scarecrow effect that introduces some intertesting horror parts into the asylum.
Unfortunately the boss fights themselves ain't that good - every one of them is basing on defeating goons just to hit the boss with batarang or some other bullshit.
The biggest failure is the final boss. Felt like devs had no idea for any more bosses so they just stripped him from anything exceptional and now he is just another big guy (Bane also could be the final boss and there wouldn't be any difference in terms of gameplay).
Good game but in my humble opinion just overrated.
High hopes for Arkham CIty.

In the continuation to the pretty ok Arkham Asylum we, as Bruce Wayne, are thrown into the stylish island as a small example of what is gotham city.
Exploration of open world is really well crafted. Both glading and grapping feels really natural and is very easy to move around. Especially with really good placement of the buildings that allows for very quick traversal.
Combat system once again remains as one of the best parts of the game, expanded with few new possibilities.
Boss fights are also better, but I still wouldn't call them "incredible" or even "memorable". Final Boss once again felt underwhelming without anything exceptional that could be considered as the culmination point of action.
Loved the introduction with Catwoman but at some point her plot felt unnecessery and was ruining the overall pacing of what was going on in the Batman storyline.
Pretty good but still isn't what I heard about the Arkham series.
DLC with Harley Quinn terrible, boring shit.

Once when srcolling through twitter I stumbled across image of screen from Alan Wake II which made me think that that is probably one of the most artistic expressions I've seen in a video game industry for a while. But if it was the 2nd part then to fully experience it I would need to get my hand on the first one... made over 10 years prior.
And it was pretty good. Not at all I was expecting but had few good moments, sometimes plot actually made me feel engaged and gameplay with some time was more and more smooth. My biggest concern about Alan Wake is probably how game notifies you about incoming enemies yet nothing tells you that 4 more guys also spawned behind you (which is one of the most stupid mechanic I've seen in video game).
But boy oh boy... the DLCs.
It felt like anyone who was directing the main title was let off the leash by the studio cus "it's only 3 additional hours".
It creates really wonderful vibe with this dream-like theme that plays you around on well known locations and truly tests your abilities as a player.
It's harder, it's more artistic, it's more perfect. Love it.
Alan Wake - 7/10
DLCs - 9/10
Don't you dare finish it without finishing the Signal and the Writer.

After experiencing the lovely experience with Ezio Auditore and getting quick glimpse after playing some of this very game with cousins I decided to bought myself Unity, I mean, it's just few bucks and got the most satisfying parkour which is the core element of the series. So what could go wrong?
Oh boy...
After long break with the game it really sucked me; gigantic and alive Paris, good parkour and nice views - what one could want more from Assassin's Creed game? And that feeling fade away after 1-2 hours.
Clanky controls of both freeroaming and combat that are gonna drive anyone mad cuz this stupid motherfucker gonna stand there instead of going down like I told him so now I'm detected and whole strategising goes ass.
Decided ultimately to rush the story - just to experience the core and forget about it... Then I discovered that the story is just for a showcase. Whole thing resembled more a cheap TV series with loosely related threads so that you could understand what is going on on whatever episode you are gonna join, so every next mission feels like whole other thing even tho you are doing fucking main quest.
Writting also sucks - it's hard to get invested into the story, the main character ain't got any personality, he doesn't have any development and every relation he's in just doesn't work cuz you just don't give a fuck about this dude.
Played Dead Kings DLC and it's also underpreforming.
Parkour animation still holds up and there were some good ideas that unfortunately weren't given enough time to actually be something more than "it could be interesting".
Maybe online was cool, idk, no one is playing so couldn't test.