One of the most unique roguelikes out there and definitely one of the most fun of them all. I absolutely love this game

This game has the single best combat out of any game that I have ever played

This dlc brings some of the best bosses of the entire franchise

While being the first dark souls game, it remains the one with the greatest level design

The best dark souls game, the atmosphere, the bosses, the music, the levels, the weapons and armor, the lore, everything about it is fantastic

Repentance is basically the ultimate version of isaac and it is perfect to my eyes, I can't stop playing it

This is the roguelike that made this genre what it is while still holding up to this day.

Red dead redemption 2 is my favorite story game of all time. I have played so many hours just exploring the world and getting myself immersed in it that I was basically living in this game. The amount of detail that was put into this game is astonishing

This game is amazing. It improves on all the aspects that I didn't really enjoy in god of war 2018 while keeping what made that game great. The story is phenomenal, the exploration is addictive and rewarding and the combat is in depth and fun.

The story and the combat in this game are very well made, my only complaint is how repetitive it can get sometimes

FromSoftware took what they learned from all of their previous games and put all of it into this amazing game.