Even better than the first. So many incredible high stakes moments, one after the other just ramming you with perfection. Story and scale come together here to create an experience like no other

Breath of the wild but better. Still can’t put it over the GOAT tho

People shit on this but it's the lego movie but a video game. Where do you go wrong

Need more games that aren’t afraid to be super long and make a wildly intricate open world. Story is one of the best (still didn’t deserve goty 2018 tho)


Games by this studio are perfect for when I've just gotten through a really long game and need to cool down

THE best 3D platformer. Masterpiece in music, level design, mechanics, and hat tricks

Why was this the last donkey kong platformer, give us more

The only “good” uncharted game. Pretty much mastered the adventure treasure hunting game, Indiana jones game shouldn’t even try. This one is perfect

We need more AAA studios putting in the work to make amazing games like this. I love the slow burn of this story and how it takes its time. It’s so epic but so personal.

A game where I can play through the first two avengers movies and more??? I will buy a sequel to this game today

I'm sure it was great back in the day. The levels are either baby mode easy or fucking expert mode

Playing the Arkham games really makes me appreciate this one. It absolutely nails the aesthetic and vibe of Gotham as well as Batman as a character. And the story is the best out of any LEGO game.

Better than the first. Swinging sooooo gooooood

Not the craziest movement. But incredible music and design. Real sense of flow, a lot of fun to beat

is ugame is that there’s always something wild happening. Every two seconds you’re running away from some huge explosion. And Lara is a god. She survives 50 concussions and stab wounds then slaughters 100 guys. Unfortunately the characters and story are ass