50 hour RPG that I somehow enjoyed. The combat is a lot of fun and the world design and vibes are great

Please give me more co-op platformers. Especially made by this guy some of the ideas in here are crazy

Never played an RPG like it. It's confusing a lot and often relies on you to just talk to everyone all the time to stumble across solutions. But it's one of the best of it's genre

This is how not to do an open world Mario game. I think what’s holding it back pretty much just goes back to one thing: if you fall, getting back up from the water is so annoying

One of the best platformers with so many clever ideas and a heartwarming story

Portal gun and tons of puzzles. Then that broken down apature section? Forever ingrained in my brain

The further from beating this game I've gotten the more I've liked it. Idk what that means though...

First and only sonic game ive played. The speed and momentum is so good. And the music too mmmm

The best soulsborne game and it isn’t close. The combat is so much better than the rest, please make more like this

Incredible open world that is so cool to look at. Story is pretty good but I wasn't really attached to the characters

This DLC was so much better than I thought it'd be. I haven't played the first trilogy but I loved the greek stuff. And FREE

Great game but way way overrated. One of the best games of all time? Because of what exactly?


Not a huge fan of roguelites but this one is a lot of fun. Upgrades could be a little better though

Everything about this game was topped in the sequel. AND WHY ARE THERE SO MANY CRIMES

Great turned based combat with a wacky world to do it in. I had so much fun with this one