People are so mean to Knack and for what. Knack didn't deserve this. Knack is a good soul and a cool scrimblo. Be nice to Knack. Game is pretty solid too

This is the single most deranged game I have ever experienced. Noodles are the future.

I played an hour or two, couldn't get into it at all. Maybe one day I'll come back to you and give you another shot. One day.

This game is pretty good ! But its really impossible to say how I feel about it because its story is frankly, batshit crazy and impossible to really fully get on first playthrough. Avoiding spoilers, there are twists in here that truly do shock the entire experience to its core and I still do not know if that is for better or worse. Overall it is still a rock solid story, and everything good from the first is back and just as good if not better. Especially Somniums which see a vast improvement. I do feel like neither protag is as fun to watch as Date however, even if I like mizuki a lot.

kusoge is good. kusoge is right.

can't wait for this to be killed off and I can't transfer old pokemon smile.

This game aged like milk! But its also kinda cute its charming, but I'd never recommend it.

This game feels like a cheap bargain bin game you'd find at target or something... but its panel de pon with Pokemon its pretty cute I like it.

some of the best times you can have with friends.

There was no way to set it to actual format properly on my computer screen. Embarrassing port.

I really can't say much that hasn't been said on Mania. Its incredible, easily the pinnacle of 2D Sonic. The music, the game design, the sprite work. Absolutely wonderful. The only issue is the the fact most of the game is made up of returning stages, but all of them are so well redone its hardly an issue. A must play.