I'd love to see this game remade! The new worlds really stand out from other Kirby games-- or any game in general. The level design is brilliant and the abilities all have a lot of depth. The minigames are cool, too.

I really like Forgotten Land! The team clearly knew what they were doing and it's an amazing platformer with really fun puzzles. The new abilities are cool and the upgrade system too, + having the option to play coop is always appreciated. I just think there's no reason to replay this game once you finish it, but still, it's worth completing!

It's kinda like seeing an advertisement for a really nice burger and buying the real thing only to find out it's a mess, being put together in an instant-- but you take a bite and find it tasty anyway. It's structured well, the new 'mons are really good, music's amazing and the way the story wraps up is really satisfying. Tera raids are ridiculously bad, though (glitchy, laggy, slow with a difficulty that completely differs from everything else) and the visuals looks like a cheap Wii game.

I picked this game up for 7$ following the microtransaction fiasco, and it's a solid redemption story from EA. They removed every controversial feature and updated the game time and time again, creating what might be the best Star Wars game ever. I wish the updates didn't stop, but it's impressive that so many people still play it. Story mode is neat, too.

From the surface, it's a really simple bubble popping game, but god there's so much depth to this game. It's really fun to make wacky teams and despite the game being F2P with ingame purchases, i've never bought anything yet never got behind the difficulty curve through updates. You need to spend stamina to complete levels, but your stamina bar becomes so massive you'll probably be satisfied without even reaching half the bar. It's pretty fun.

Ew. Paywall galore, inexistent level curve and all of the mobile game sins... It's really not worth checking out. Who knew EA would screw up a mobile sequel?

Bought this yesterday (I may be four decades late but shh) and it's really fun! It has all of the ingredients for a fun city building game. It's full of charm with Dr. Wright and fun disasters.
Starting a city is such a fun process and surprisingly simple, although it took me a few minutes to understand how electricity works. It's simple, of course, yet it's an impressive game for the SNES!

Medium, the game. It was never bad, but it never set out to be incredible either. It's a very easy and short game, although Kalos is a beautiful region. The story is really silly, especially following generation 5, but it's completely fine as it's a Pokemon game. The postgame is a barren wasteland, though. All in all, it succeeds at what it sets out to accomplish ; it's meant to be the transition between 2D and 3D for future games.

Great gameplay, fun story, great music, a lot of content.. but honestly? Don't bother with the Switch version. There's a serious oversight in the game that causes a memory leak, which means your Switch will get hotter and hotter 'till it overheats as you play (alongside with more and more glitches popping up mid-gameplay). It's practically impossible to play on handheld outside during the summer.
I know people may suggest to just restart the game, but it won't magically chill your console. There has been no patch fixing this. If you can, play the 3DS or Wii U version instead.

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It's extremely goofy. The gameplay's simple and fun and the music's nice, but you absolutely have to unplug your brain playing this. The two main characters kill thousands of enemies without a sweat but absolutely refuse harming the main villain-- even after he kills his own father and attempts to murder their mother-- and everyone in the cast goes "Yeah, friendship guys! We will save your homicidal friend!" while standing on the corpse of countless soldiers probably forced into a war against their will.
Oh, and you know what? The protags hesitate for so long it just drags the war even further ahead-- every passing second there's probably a hundred soldiers dying in this game.
Don't overthink it like me-- or, point and laugh with a friend. It's fun.

Talking about the Wii version and nahh-- this wasn't it. I remember seeing Xbox footage of this game as a super young kid and being mindblown before buying this. Of course, the real thing couldn't had run on the Wii, but man it was misleading for people not familiar with it. It's a downgrade of a neat game, and I stopped being a fan for a long while after this.

Hahaha, what in the world was this game? Feels like a bad fever dream. It's playable, so it has that going for it.

Phenomenal experience. It's a great fighter for casual players with a mind blowing amount of content even to this day-- like what in the world were the free demos?! Everyone knows now that it's not a great sequel for the competitive scene, but unless you're only there for that, it won't take long for you to see it's much more than that. Oh, and I haven't even mentioned the story mode. Check it out!!

One of my top 5 favorite games. It's a real shame this game's mechanics are exclusive to this entry because it feels so much more fun. You don't worry over weapon breaking, the maps feel like actual battlefields, the magic system makes you weight risk versus rewards... The story focus is your typical yet really well executed RPG tale, the characters feel lovely and you will always want to see more. The music is phenomenal and the gameplay mixes blend really well together.

Started out as an good sequel to an okay game before becoming a really good game!!! The incredible amount of free and paid updates for all these years really made it an experience like no other. Whether you want to focus on your own character or on pre-established characters, it's really fun. The combat feels much smoother and everything just plays better. Don't bother with PVP outside your own friends though.