Bro... this game better get re-released soon (EDIT : on something other than a console dead on launch). With masterfully well made dungeons, a memorable soundtrack and graphics that aged near perfectly, this game is a classic. The pacing does get a bit bad toward the end, so get yourself a podcast or two while playing.

Super simple, and I respect that, but it's also really short. Gotta say it's visually super nice, though.

It's fun! Multiplayer is a blessing for this game and it's sweet to check out what your world contains everytime. Difficulties are kinda unbalanced, though.

Okay, it's legit so cool that this game has a level editor. It's fun, simple and still really funny to fall over. Sadly, you won't get much out of this game after the first 10 minutes. Still worth looking back on though!

This game is a bloody miracle. The space theming is executed perfectly despite the Wii's unimpressive hardware and made a lot of games on other consoles look bad in comparison. It feels really good to play and everything is really high in quality.

I bought this game completely blindly last year with my Dreamcast... it's an unforgettable immersive experience. You can play other games inside the game, talk to your friends, make phone calls, get a job all while solving a mystery. Don't rush this game-- you won't regret it.

This aged extremely well! It's simple, fun for both kids and adults and is full of personality.

It's okay! Going through a new story as a Berserk fan is cool and the controls aren't bad. Otherwise, it's a normal arcade-like beat them up.

I still replay this game once in a while. It's hard, and because of that you'll pretty much mostly follow the same level order, but you can still technically do the game in the order you want. The music doesn't hit as much as its sequel, but it's worth checking out.

Great graphics, replayability, lot of content, good difficulty, very good music, saving.. this, to me, is the very best the NES can offer. It's still so worth replaying in 2024. Gotta mention there's framerate issues, though, but it's no big deal. If it bothers you, check out the 3DS version.

Holy peak Batman
A colorful, easy to access platformer that sets out to do everything SMB3 did but better. You have so much freedom over your movements. If you know what you're doing, you can finish the game real quick, or take the long road.

For a game about two monkeys that want to save their friend, it sure is epic. The music goes really hard, it's challenging yet rarely feels unfair. The graphics are incredible for this era, too, without any sacrifice on gameplay. I'm more of a fan of Country 1's tone, but that's moreso personal :)

Such a weird game hahaha, Mario falls like an anchor when he walks off a cliff. The music is very memorable but the game's really short. Play it, it won't take long.

Ever since Jontron called this one Bird vs Camels, I saw life in a different light.
It's nothing special, but it's certainly a novelty. Flying at full speed is kinda fun.

Mario's like an universal language everyone can understand. Replaying this with the old man was really fun. I gotta say that everyone going on and on about "Mario games are easy" never finished this one-- easy to learn, hard to master.