Probably my favourite racing game. The sheer amount of tracks as well as the variety within them is great. Genuinely just a ton of fun to play and super satisfying to improve at and beat your best times

Nice graphics and I'm sure the story is cool but not worth that gameplay, got boring real fast

I bought this game and just couldn't get into it at all. The map was horrendous and the combat, which is supposed to be the selling point of the game, felt underwhelming. Go play force unleashed, battlefront or even lego star wars for a better game

This is a technically flawed game but man just none other can compete in just immersing you in its world and atmosphere. There is just so much in this game that works to really hook you and every playthough just makes me want to live in this world. Its just a cozy game that it's way too easy to sink so many hours into. Escapism at its best

Did not beat this game but played enough of it to know I think it's fun but very overhyped. The combat is where it shines but there is not much enemy variety and the side stuff inbewteen fighting is just boring and tedious

Great animation and super challenging yet fun and charming game

Mario always the king of 3D platformers. This game has just so many moons to collect and power ups with the hat, almost all of which are fun. Not many games make it this enjoyable to just run around in

Every map in this is a masterpiece in level design. They give you an objective and it is up to you to get creative as possible to get it done. Whatever your playstyle you can have a shit ton of fun with this game, it has so so much replayability.

Great story and a vast, alive feeling open world. Some slow missions and lacklustre online mode hold this back from being a masterpiece.

Never played a game that nails the feeling of exploration and discovery and makes it as satisfying as this. Great story, gameplay, music and just about everything. Genuine masterpiece.

really makes you feel like spiderman

God tier open world and story mode, the online is fun too and I have way too much time in it.


Brutal fast paced action that is super fun despite it's high difficulty

Good game but just feels like a much more brief version of 2. Like what is there is great but compared to the other RE games I have played this one is notably short. Nemesis is awesome though wish there was more of them game where he's just stalking you as that is probably the highlight.