This is a perfect game and nothing anyone says will ever convince me otherwise

I hate this little orange man but I’d also give my life defending him

This was my first experience with a FromSoftware game and I may suck at it but it’s one of my favourite gaming experiences I’ve ever had. The atmosphere and setting are unlike anything else

This really is the Dark Souls of Dark Souls games

The developers really must’ve hated gamers. There’s no other reason to make a game this damn frustrating. I still love it though

Much like Attack of the Clone, the second instalment here is the worst of the trilogy

The only Crash game I’ve never played through more than once. Kinda stinks

The fact this game introduced Rilla Roo to the world probably gives it an extra half point

There’s quite literally no reason for this game to be this hard

Hope you like the colour green. This was my first proper RPG experience and I’ll always love it for that even with its fairly obvious flaws

It probably is a better game than Fallout 3 but I can’t bring myself to full admit that

It’s fine. I wish I had more of an opinion of it but it’s just such a letdown after 3 and New Vegas

This would probably be a 5/5 if it wasn't for the torturous grinding in Niflheim

This game is great fun and a definite improvement on the original. Also probably helps that it's one of the only games I can consistently easily best everyone I know at it