A cute little RPG about kids at Halloween. Genuinely fun.

One of the best soulslikes out there, Code Vein applies an anime aesthetic and a versatile class system to the familiar formula. Combined with enjoyable characters and an epic, endlessly listenable soundtrack, this game deserves more love than it gets.

A compelling exploration of artificial intelligence, the definition of life, and our responsibility to use technology well, all contained in an interactive novel that's enjoyable to read.

A solid roguelike with absolutely gorgeous pixel art, heightened by its co-op feature and storytelling narration that the player can engage with between runs.

A near-perfect platformer. An ideal mix of great gameplay, an affecting story, emotive music, nostalgic pixel art, just an all-timer all around.

A classic indie title that mixes fantastic metroidvania shooter gameplay with a compelling story and a boppin' chiptune soundtrack.

A brief, abstract, artistically interesting retelling of an actual historical event.

A unique method of narrative conveyance through puzzle gameplay, The Case of the Golden Idol challenges players to build an understanding of a complex historical fantasy story by examining the aftermaths of its key events. Occasionally a bit obtuse, but overall very worth it.

A compelling story told in a genuinely weird, interesting world. Explores ideas of religion, identity, and purpose in unique and powerful ways.

A stirring exploration of religious conviction in the face of loneliness and divine inaction. Brief and powerful.

A really inventive puzzle game about cheating at cards. Great animations and a compelling story. Thankfully has accessibility options for people like me who are terrible at remembering and executing complex tasks.

An enjoyable little physics puzzler. Great for helping kids think through physics and budgets.


An inventive platformer that helped kick off the increased visibility of indie games, Braid suffers a bit from overwrought attempts to be more complex and meaningful than it actually is, but actually does have a decent amount of meaning to it if you ignore the pretentions to more.

A rhythm shooter roguelike with an absolute banger soundtrack and hellishly appealing aesthetics. One of the more fun experiences I've got to zone out and blast some monsters to.

A serviceable roguelike elevated to greatness by its combination with dating sim elements and a refreshingly heartwarming depiction of polyamorous dating.