The solidest of Mario games tbh

The solidest of Sonic games tbh

I have no idea why people supposedly hate this game, it has all the R&C fun of the previous and future entries

Abandoned only because Definitive Edition came out and I will most likely start over with that instead of going back to this one

Anyways, I know the story from my brother's playthroughs already and experienced the gameplay for about 15 or so hours so I think I can give it a score

Quit playing this game at the final boss oops
I should go back and finish this because it was a very solid game

One of the most disappointing games I've ever played, and that's really sad to say

This game has a lot of good ideas and improves upon Xillia 1's mechanics, the combat especially, but then it has these really dumb pitfalls that make the overall experience a slog sometimes

It's an okay game, but the pinnacle of Tales? 10 years have passed, get over it, Tales fans

My second favorite Tales game and a certified banger

This one is in need of a replay, I don't remember much from this game other than it was quite based

Such a big step-up from Sonic 1, played this very casually throughout the year and it was pleasant

Can't wait to get to Sonic 3&K and say it's even better

FUCK the plot twist and the cliffhanger ending

Otherwise this game is okay I think it's like a 9/10

Raccoons are pretty cool, I guess

If we're discussing "hood classics", this game better come up during the conversation

Where's the third Shadow Pokémon game Nintendo