Extremely fun battlefield-like game. Does everything right that the AAA Devs do wrong.

This game is ok. It's pretty lackluster. Lack of updates and content on the planets can make this game boring though I really like the possibilities. This is a sandbox but it does have a story which mostly consists of running to the city of a certain race, scanning a few things then teleporting to a dungeon and killing a boss. I really wish this game was as fun as Terraria for me but it's just not doing it for me. Though I still love this game for the nostalgia it gives me. But I do think it has changed for the worse after beta.

Extremely fun movement shooter. This game has great movement. Its fun, responsive and satisfying and the Titans in this game are really fun aswell, especially killing pilots like flies if you're skilled enough.

Cool, silly and fun Battle Royale especially with friends. Though alone it can get a little boring.

Very fun PVP horror game. Good to play with friends.

Great game, have alot of hours in it and it took over my life for a while though the release of TOTK has impacted that lol.
It's a great experience and I'd definitely recommend playing this and completing the shrines if that is up your alley. One of the best, well made games I've ever played.

A really great zelda game. I'd have to say the best in the 2D genre. It's story is pretty simple but the gameplay is extremly charming and captivating. The puzzles are also a treat to solve and the "cloning" feature is pretty innovative though they had to drop the master sword for it which isn't necessarily bad.

I really hold this game dear to my heart. This is one of the best Zelda games I've played. I really like the characters, the story and even though the controls can be a bit weird I still find them pretty charming. Although the control scheme can be janky which makes some stuff not too fun but the switch rerelease pretty much fixes all of this. I also really like the dungeons in this game. Great game would recommend to play if you have the ability to.

On par if not better than BOTW. Have quite a bit of time playing this game, the open world makes this game very long lasting and the building feature allows for so much creativity.

This thing is a big part of my childhood. Even though I only realise in retrospect how great this game actually was. Extremely charming characters and a great story with some variables that make replaying this game a treat.
also sans undertale haha funy

I almost love this game as much as Dead cells. It has a special place in my heart being my first Rogue-like. I really like the abilities being cards and elemental abilities are really fun to play with. It's one of the only wizard game that I think are done well.

I really want to like and play this game but it's just not doing it for me. Though the combat is pretty fun. The game is fine but just that.

A pretty fun sandbox-y stealth game. The possiblities here are pretty much endless which makes it a pretty good game for longevity.

Very fun sandbox game to play with friends or alone. The community can be a bit taxing but they're generally nice in my experience. Has a fair bit of gamemodes as well, mostly because they're all community made.

This game is fucking great. Am I good at it? Hell no. But its one of the games that everyone has to atleast played once. I really like the rewards for finishing a Biome quickly or taking no damage while defeating a certain number of enemies. It rewards skilled players while making players that aren't as good want to improve. The boss fights are also really fun in my opinion. My favourite Rogue-like to date.