Shoutout silly little digital work as a distraction from silly but also scary and overwhelming undergraduate work

Watching the credits for this game and realizing there were no play testers made me the most vindicated I’ve ever felt

I think I need to stop playing Sonic games because as someone who likes this more than the original Sonic the Hedgehog and whose favorite Sonic game is Sonic R, I keep having bad opinions.

Not sure how you can be mad at this game when every time your character dies they do a family guy death pose

I was completely ready to just not write anything about this game but seeing it with only 93 plays I just can’t log this and move on. If me writing this even gets one more person to play a game written by Keika Hanada it’ll have been worth it.

Despite only being around 4 hours this game says a lot with its runtime but with the main message of it all being about the creation of art. How art acts as a reflection of a personal part of the artist at the time of its creation. Even if later on the intensity inside the artist takes a different form that work forever captures those emotions for others to feel. That’s what makes it such an immensely beautiful and uniquely human thing. Although it is easy to see games as just entertainment Seventh Lair is a poignant reminder that behind each game no matter how big or small there are people behind them trying to create something meaningful. And, at the end of the day, that work may not resonate with you personally but to complain about that would miss the point entirely. That’s why I can’t promise you’ll love this game but I don’t think I’ve ever played a game that felt more genuine. So, if you have $7 to spend on a visual novel from 2013 I can’t recommend it enough.

In a game filled with tragedies the biggest one is that despite being the best writing and story I’ve ever experienced in a game I can never recommend it to someone because I’ll have to say with a straight face that it doesn’t get good until fifteen hours in…

Not sure why this game doesn't have more praise when it's literally an Evangelion rhythm game that Suda51 worked on. What more could you want out of a video game???

When are we as a society going to acknowledge that Spark-i from Kirby 64 is literally just Ramiel from Neon Genesis Evangelion

I can excuse some stages being repeated, the sometimes unfair level design, and there being no new enemies or mechanics introduced for 72 levels, however, I draw the line at the silly little DigDug Theater “cutscenes” that play every 18 levels or so being repeated.

Shoutout indie games that are only around an hour allowing for an extremely low price and the gameplay to not get tiring because of the constant introduction of new mechanics: gotta be one of my favorite genders

Pretty sure the designers couldn’t settle on an art style so they just went with every idea they had

Over 20 hours of Edgeworth going “erm actually” and I wouldn’t have it any other way

It may not be the best game ever, but, it is the silliest which at the end of the day is more important

If anyone needs me I’ll be spending the next week crying over fictional characters

No game has made me feel more insecure about my media literacy than Immortality