The average Hitman mission always starts like Daniel Craig era 007 and quickly degrades into Pierce Brosnan.

A uniquely fun experience, troubled by wait times and an insane skill gap.

Would you kindly remind me of anything that happened in this game?

RE games have a habit of taking two steps forward, one step back when they reinvent the wheel, and Village is no different.

Fun from start to finish, albeit front-loaded, and incredibly easy towards the end.


Doom 2016 showed the world there was a place for boomer-shooters in the modern era. And the best was yet to come.

The last perfect thing before the world ended. Frenetic action that left your palms sweaty, and your smoker's cough breathy. Bookended with DLC that was truly reminiscent of the past - it was actually good!


A game that seemingly appeared from nowhere and then descended back into the abyss. Unique enemy design, intimidating atmosphere, tactile gunplay, and an incredible challenge for you and three other mates.

Paled in comparison to the base game offering of Unreal Tournament


The soundtrack, gothic setting, and unique enemy types pool together for a one-of-a-kind shooter that still makes you feel unease to this day.

The best $60 demo you'll ever play.

Throws in the noir, but doesn't quite stick the landing on the new aesthetic.

Great expansion pack, even better box

Mediocre expansion, but the box is still cool

A fantastic shooter that lost a lot of its original identity.

This is worth 4 stars for the map builder alone.