GOTY | 2021

Games I enjoyed in 2021. Mildly ordered.

World of Assassination Hitman is a delight. The new maps are mostly really good too.
Great writing, fun tactics, smart emergent systems that make each run feel special. What crpg should refer to.
Absurd, funny, beautiful. Play it if you get a chance!
I only watched the game as a copilot on a friends stream, but I feel that's a better experience in many ways. As my friend put it "a singular experience." Really happy to know this exists now.


A very relaxing, engaging experience. Delivering mail has never been more idyllic.
Every dang strategy game I play has me wanting to play more Endless Legend. Then I play it some more and have a grand ol' time.
Better than I was expecting, and it's a Horizon game so I was expecting a lot. Story bits aren't too bad this time either.
Really demonstrates how deck-building mechanics can enhance games where that even isn't the focus. Very enjoyable tactical roguel.
Fun survival game to play with friends. Exploration aspect of the game is delightful! Probably wouldn't play solo.
The "build a space empire" game I've latched onto. Probably in large part how effortless the UI and presentation makes it to play.
Good adaptation of the L4D formula, that opens ups the styles of play available.
A great translation of the Metroid experience to 3D. Killer score too.
Surprisingly enjoyable! Good crunchy combat system (play turn-based), story could be much worse. Good translation of the TRPG
Makes some swings at a different approach to the 4X genre, and mostly succeeds.
A good Paper Mario style RPG that does some cool things with timelines. Writing can be a bit tropey at times, but generally breezy and fun.
2021 is the year Glorgu finally understood a Total War game. They're enjoyable turns out!
For most of the game I was simply fond of it. Just a nice game. But, at one point, there are a few ideas introduced that really change the game in an incredible way.
Mechanically interesting, less than the sum of its parts. Still very much a Shenmue... in a good way.
Extremely competent game. Absolutely gorgeous to boot.
Very silly game. Feels good to move and shoot, damn.
Respect what it's trying to do, even if the execution is quite rough.
This game is dead-ass simple and I'm really thankful for that. Just let me be Donkey Kong playing golf!
This game has some serious problems. Mechanically, thematically, technically. But there is a massively enjoyable co-op game beneath it all. Might be very difficult to get past the bullshit though.


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