Just like old cartoons, with the same amount of smoking but way less racism

Came because of the anime. Lovely story.

Kinda liked the anime more. I think the ending structure of the first game was much more better narrative-wise.

Nice game overall. Kinda expected a "main story" and not just character development, but it's nice still. Some characters could be better written. The bartending minigame is kinda fun too.

The water temple wasn't that bad guys

An amazing execution of the idea "Let's make a Zelda game for the Nintendo DS". The tactile controls can feel clunky at first, but you get used to them pretty quickly. The map writing is a really cool mechanic, and you use it pretty much everywhere. It's not a very big Zelda game, but it's still pretty fun.

Really fun, but Phantom Hourglass is better.

At first is a really fun and relaxing game, but it's not the kind of sandbox you can play forever without getting bored. Luckily, they added a lot of late-game content in the last update, so there are many things you can do before that.

Really fun and original roguelike

My favourite roguelike. Amazing gameplay, mechanics and bosses.


I still listen to the OST from time to time.

Played it after completing Dusk. The levels were too long and tedious sometimes, didn't really enjoyed it.