A game that starts incredibly strong, with the Village and Castle sections, but like the original drops off a lot in the last few chapters.

My live service multiplayer game (poison) of choice

Elden Ring is obviously great, I don't need to sing its praises but the controls/camera are the hardest thing in the game. Throw some remarkably bad level design in there and it just makes some completely unenjoyable moments and encounters. Carpal tunnel is gonna be the hardest boss in these games.

Speaking of bosses, some are a literal marathon with the amount of running you have to do just to get 1 or 2 hits in, or you spend the whole fight whacking feet unable to see all the cool animations or attacks coming to smack you in the face because of how tall the boss is.

These moments aren't a constant, and maybe its a skill issue (get gud), but when they are an issue it just makes such a frustrating experience for all the wrong reasons.

A wonderfully realised voxel cyberpunk city that makes you want to explore it but unfortunately the rest of the game fails to grab me as much.

Still looking forward to Nivalis to really explore more of this setting

Yes its slow and boring, but unlike its fishing counter part, this is a game I have actively spent time playing and enjoying, I find myself looking forward to new reserves and buying them when they come out, which are surprisingly cheap. The animals and environments are amazingly crafted with some of the most detailed enviornments you'll find in any game.

I generally like the RPG games, but I never realised how much I missed being back a big city until playing this, and man Baghdad is just stunning. It's such a breath of fresh air for the franchise and I hope Ubisoft make more titles like this in the future.

While it tries to be a 'return to form' and a 'love letter to the franchise', which I think they actually did fairly well with a limited scope/budget, it's clear the engine really isn't designed for a game of this type anymore. Basim still feels stiff and slow, owed to its roots as a Valhalla expansion and combat is still floaty and spammy even with basims limited health and stamina pool, though combat has never been particularly great in any AC.

Stealth also takes a big hit with the removal of the cover system from Unity/Syndicate meaning you never quite know if you're hidden around that corner or not. The whole "social stealth" aspect still isn't quite there yet as well as the continuation of the skill tree which really has no place in a game like this and just trivialises so many of the encounters, I'd honestly recommend not using any skill points.

The mission structure can be kinda confusing and dull at times, it's a lot of reading pieces of paper to unlock a clue to then go find another piece of paper which leads you into killing one of your targets which is where the game is at it's best. Following Unity's "black box" mission formula the game gives you a variety of ways to kill your target, some more scripted than others, giving you a lot of freedom in how you approach killing someone, it's very hitman light which is a step in the right direction, and I'd love to see it get expanded on further in future games.

There's a lot to complain about this game and lots of stuff I don't love, god Basim is just awful, but I generally really like it a lot? I'll be the first to admit I'm a sucker for Assassins Creed, always have been and always will be, and it really does feel bring me back to when AC was simpler, more focused, even with its flaws. I'd say bordeux has done a pretty good job at achieving what they set out to do, and I'm excited to see what they can do without being so tied to Valhalla.

The best of the Sony "formula". Combat arenas with tons of freedom of approach, terrific writing and acting, and stunning visuals (if a little dated in some areas). Naughty Dog is sitting on absolute gold with these games and, unfortunately, they're not doing anything with it at the moment, as far as we know.

One of the games I originally bought a PS4 for then bought it again on its eventual Pc release. Is It perfect? Not even close, combat and movement are sluggish and can make for some really frustrating encounters but the story and acting are some of the very best. A succesful attempt to bring Kratos up to date with modern video game story telling

No better game to play at 3am with friends

Even after all this time this games emotional beats still hit hard, if not harder, than when it first released, especially with the release of Part 2 and everything we know that happens in that game. It really adds a whole new perspective to the ending and the weight of Joels decision, and Ellies relationship to him in the sequel.

There was a lot of discussion on the neccesity and pricing of the remake, some of which I agree with, but after experiencing it first hand I can fully say it was worth it. It's drop dead gorgeous (and some iffy performance on PC which has been mostly ironed out) just brings so much more life to these characters and the world.

How is it possible to suck this bad at checkers?!

Is this the best Fallout game? No. Is it my favourite? No. But man is it fun. All that useless Bethesda junk and clutter finally has a use making every little pickupable item in the game worth something more than a couple of caps. The gun/armour and settlement system add a ton of depth to not only the game but also your character, are you a more lone ranger kind of survivor relying on stealth and range. then maybe you want a small shack to live in on your own. Or do you prefer your guns big and loud just like your characters personality, then start your own town complete with Vendors and farms.

Sure the main story and yes, no, not yet, and yes with more info system might not be the best but thats one part of a big game with some great build variety and an amazing world to explore. Think of this less of a super indepth RPG but more of a lootershooter with choices, and you'll have a great time.

Nothing can beat coming home from school, booting up halo reach and playing all night with friends. Everything from standard slayer modes, to mongoose racing on forge world, countless hours of fun that can never be recreated. So much in 1 package, and all for completely free aside from the odd map pack sprinkled in. And that's just the multiplayer side, the campaign is my 2nd favourite Halo campaign, after halo 3, and even though it's only like 10 or so hours long Noble team meant so much to us by the end of it.

Not to sound like an old man, but nothing will ever beat the time before MTX, battlepasses and esports becoming more popular ruined online gaming. Now everyone must be the best to try and become the next big streamer or esports star all while every little cosmetic or sticker cost £10.

I adore this game. Kassandra, who is brilliantly acted by Melissanthi Mahut, is just incredible and one of my favourite AC protagonists. The game offsets its mostly humorous tone with surprisingly deep, emotional moments that let Kassandra really shine. While you can play as Alexios, I wouldn’t recommend it the game is clearly designed with her being the hero, with Alexios being the villain.

Ubisoft’s depiction of Greece is as incredible as ever with their historical detail, interacting with amazing Greek legends such as Pericles, Brasidas and many more. Some even join you more often, such as Socrates and your trusty adviser, Herodotos. The game also features some great boss fights with mythical creatures like the Minotaur and Medusa. Combat is fast-paced and the best out of the three RPG games, with skill trees that let you experience different playstyles, and a loadout feature that allows for much more variety. And I’ve not even mentioned the amazing cultist system.