Text book definition of Style over substance, even on casual playthrough I can finish this game in under 5 hours but its an amazing 5 hours.

Coming home from school, booting up halo reach and palying all night with friends. Everything from standard slayer modes, to mongoose racing on forge world, countless hours of fun that can never be recreated. So much in 1 package, and all for completely free aside from the odd map pack sprinkled in. And that's just the multiplayer side, the campaign is my 2nd favourite Halo campaign, after halo 3, and even though it's only like 10 or so hours long Noble team meant so much to us by the end of it.

Not to sound like an old man, but nothing will ever beat the time before MTX, battlepasses and esports becoming more popular ruined online gaming. Now everyone must be the best to try and become the next big streamer or esports star all while every little cosmetic or sticker cost £10.

Is this the best Fallout game? No. Is it my favourite? No. But man is it fun. All that useless Bethesda junk and clutter finally has a use making every little pickupable item in the game worth something more than a couple of caps. The gun/armour and settlement system add a ton of depth to not only the game but also your character, are you a more lone ranger kind of survivor relying on stealth and range. then maybe you want a small shack to live in on your own. Or do you prefer your guns big and loud just like your characters personality, then start your own town complete with Vendors and farms.

Sure the main story and yes, no, not yet, and yes with more info system might not be the best but thats one part of a big game with some great build variety and an amazing world to explore. Think of this less of a super indepth RPG but more of a lootershooter with choices, and you'll have a great time.

I didn't think I'd ever stoop this low and consider my self a "dead by daylight player" but here we are.

I'd love to be able to say "yeh this game sucks its unbalanced and boring" but honestly, I kinda like it? I used to be an avid dbd hater even after trying to play it a couple times, because its one of those games that if you dont have friends to teach you how to play or are very dedicated to learning you just won't get into. It's definitely the kind of game that the better you become the more you can enjoy it.

It's kind of like Destiny where people say things that at first sound like cryptic code you need a degree in cryptology to decypher but over time you learn to understand this cryptic language and start speaking it yourself. "damn this surv has bt...oh my god I got sabo'd...I'm slugging cause of this 3 gen...scratch mirror myers"

Overall if you have friends who play already then I'd say its worth giving a shot, but otherwise if you're playing solo I don't think it's worth learning unless you're very dedicated.

I adore this game. Kassandra, who is brilliantly acted by Melissanthi Mahut, is just incredible and one of my favourite AC protagonists. The game offsets its mostly humorous tone with surprisingly deep, emotional moments that let Kassandra really shine. While you can play as Alexios, I wouldn’t recommend it the game is clearly designed with her being the hero, with Alexios being the villain.

Ubisoft’s depiction of Greece is as incredible as ever with their historical detail, interacting with amazing Greek legends such as Pericles, Brasidas and many more. Some even join you more often, such as Socrates and your trusty adviser, Herodotos. The game also features some great boss fights with mythical creatures like the Minotaur and Medusa. Combat is fast-paced and the best out of the three RPG games, with skill trees that let you experience different playstyles, and a loadout feature that allows for much more variety. And I’ve not even mentioned the amazing cultist system.

It's pretty cool but I kept having a bug of stuff not spawning so I couldn't complete the objectives


This is everything I love in a game, yet I find my self struggling to ever get into it? Just thinking about everything there is to do in this game kinda overwhelms me and I can never shake the feeling I'm "missing out" on content. One day I'll force myself to actually sit and playthrough it

Some of the most fun I've had in a multiplayer game in a long while. They have a great base to expand on with more factions, bigger and better weapons an stratagems and more varied missions.

The best combat of the FromSoft games, but doesn't quite hit that exploration/adventure hit that the souls game do

How is it possible to suck this bad at checkers?!

Even after all this time this games emotional beats still hit hard, if not harder, than when it first released, especially with the release of Part 2 and everything we know that happens in that game. It really adds a whole new perspective to the ending and the weight of Joels decision, and Ellies relationship to him in the sequel.

There was a lot of discussion on the neccesity and pricing of the remake, some of which I agree with, but after experiencing it first hand I can fully say it was worth it. It's drop dead gorgeous (and some iffy performance on PC which has been mostly ironed out) just brings so much more life to these characters and the world.

No better game to play at 3am with friends

My live service multiplayer game (poison) of choice