I don't think Superliminal did nearly as much with its idea as it could have. Felt more like a walking simulator (which I'm not opposed to) than a puzzle game.

Fun abilities and great sound design to zone out to.

Great art and a decent shooter.

Short, but I still felt like it got old almost immediately. I liked hopping in and out of the suit and the difference in abilities offered by the cat and armor, but I wish there had been a choice between them in some places, rather than forcing me to use one or the other in response to a specific obstacle.

Like eating nothing but cheetos and potato chips flavored with way too much vinegar. It's nice at first but it's too repetitive and mind-numbing to be enjoyable.

Didn't care for Downwell, but I can appreciate its clean art.

Talk about using the whole animal! What a great exercise in game design. I loved finding the secret power-up and thinking that it was a bug in the game, even if it's a bit out of left field.

I didn't expect to like this game as much as I did even though I love the first three Paper Marios. The writing falls apart almost every time it tries to get emotional, especially among your three party members, but the game itself and world are a lot of fun! I probably should not have played on hard mode for my first time through, but it was fun trying to figure out every single way I could rig the game in my favor. Still, there were some unbearable difficulty spikes and unclear signposting that made me hate the game a lot in the moment.

Monkey noises.

The music design in this is just lovely and brings it up a bit in my mind. The final level is also a rush, and I loved trying to save every single captured animal.

Just lovely. Really enjoyed exploring the world and finding all of the ways that it folded back on itself.

Loved the story, thought the game took a few steps back after the first. Hard to rate this one.

Really good but I unfortunately don't get the hype. Still a fun time and it has an atmosphere so thick that you could scoop it up with a spoon.

I loved Joustus and I'm not sorry.