Oh boy, getting into the Yakuza games was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Yakuza Kiwami is such a blast to play. The mix between the serious and emotional story and the wacky and just straight up dumb side stories is amazing. You can feel an attachment to every character that you meet in the story, and they all have different attributes that make them unique. I also love the combat with all of the different heat moves that you can use while fighting. This game also has Majima Everywhere, what else do I need to say.

This game accomplishes its goal perfectly. You really can play any board game on here. I'm also currently writing this review from the tablet in the game, which is pretty funny. Would recommend to anyone that wants to play board games with their friends online. Who needs to buy them when you can just make this one time purchase. Controls can be a little annoying at times though.

My favorite Persona game. This one just holds a special place in my heart. I like the characters and music from this game more than the ones from P5. I also just like this game a lot because me and my girlfriend played it together, and it's the only game that she's actually seemed invested in. This was also the first Persona game I finished. Even though I played P5 first, I never actually finished it, but I did finish P5R. Overall, there's just something about this game that draws me to it more than the other Persona games.

This is my favorite Pikmin game. Honestly probably my favorite Nintendo game. I don't really understand why a lot of people will have this at the bottom of their list when rating the games. The introduction of caves was great, as well as getting rid of the time limit. Bringing in Louie and the President were also amazing. I love all of the treasures that you can find in this game. The soundtrack for this game is also my favorite out of the series. It also gave us the goated Purple Pikmin. Overall I think I just enjoyed playing this game the most out of all the games in the series. To the people that think this game is too hard, get better.

Probably my favorite game of all time. The Arkham games hold a special place in my heart. I've played this game probably around like 10 times and I've enjoyed every playthrough. It has a great story that really makes you feel like Batman. I enjoy gliding around Arkham City and fighting a bunch of random thugs. I know that people say the combat can get repetitive, but I don't care, it's fun. I also love the voice acting in this game, RIP Kevin Conroy.

I don't think I've ever played a game with a better atmosphere and visuals. This was the first metroidvania that I really got into, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Everything from the boss fights to the random characters you can find in the world are amazing. It was a game that I just suddenly decided to get and it was an amazing decision. I really wish I could go back and play this game again for the first time. Please release Silksong soon, I need it

I love the Persona Series. Vanilla Persona 5 was the first game I played in the series, and these games are one of the few turned based games that I actually enjoy. I love the art style and the music of this game, and could spend hours playing this game in one sitting. Something about the atmosphere of this game just helps brighten my mood. I do wish they would stop milking the hell out of this game though. I don't know why there is so many spinoffs for Persona 5 and not the other games.

Nintendo did not disappoint with this one. Another great addition to the series. I had such a blast playing this game and collecting all of the treasures. My only issue with the game is that Oatchi makes it really easy. Since he has the ability to be immune to every hazard i never felt worried about having the correct pikmin types out on the field. Other than that though, I loved everything about this game.