9 reviews liked by Grabis

Do I even need to make a review for this game? Does the subtitle "Ultimate" not speak for itself? Well if it doesn't then let me elaborate. Smash Bros Ultimate is the PERFECT smash game. Yep, I said it. Sorry melee dick riders, but its just the cold hard truth. This game has the best selection of characters I have ever seen in a fighting game, ever. Super Mario fighting Solid Snake fighting Sonic fighting Mega Man fighting Sora?!?! The crossovers this game has created just in including characters is beyond comprehension. Ultimate's gameplay is also just so buttery smooth, and its the perfect amount of technical for it to be fun but competitive for those who play the game that way. This game is also PACKED with side bits. World of light, the music, the stages, the vault modes, the single player modes, it literally the best of all Smash Bros come together to create an amazing crockpot meal of a Nintendo game.

To be completely honest, Metroid Dread was a let down. After YEARS of silence of this games franchise, I feel like there should have been something a lot better cooking up in Nintendo's lab. Now, I definitely understand that Metroid games are difficult and as AVGN said "makes you feel like a rat in a maze". I have played the previous 2D Metroid games and even with their difficulty I had a lot of fun trying to find my way around, even if there were times when I wanted to rip my hair out. There was some feeling that pushed you to keep searching for that hidden block or secret item. But with Dread, I feel like I'm being forced by gun point to play the game. In a game where searching extensively and taking your time to look around, putting super extremely fast unbeatable robots that one hit you if your caught makes no sense to me at all and just feels like bad game design.

After years of the same thing over and over again for Pokémon mechanics and style, it was extremely cleansing to see a Pokémon game take a leap of faith in changing its formula. I eventually got bored of the mainline Pokémon games after Black and White, it began to become redundant after each game being the same over and over again. Maybe I'm just not an RPG guy, but I've enjoyed Fire Emblem and Mario RPG, which are other Nintendo branded RPG's. So for me personally, it's nice to have a large area to explore, even if its not that packed with hidden secrets and treasures. Just having a choice of where I was walking and not being forced down a patch of grass with fences on either side of me, it felt nice to feel free. Not only the open areas, the games side missions and Pokémon selection were fantastic.

Played this at a friends house because I didn’t want to buy it and was just as disappointing as I expected. Very bad decisions on the storytelling, the gameplay after the first 2 hours just felt like I was just getting nowhere. Decided to see what the rest of the story had in store on a YouTube explanation video and I’m glad I didn’t play the rest. I will give it one thing and that is the graphics are absolutely gorgeous for the ps4, other than that it just makes me sad to see the series end up like this.

Celeste is probably the best platformer I've ever played with tight controls, well designed areas and fantastic bosses. The community surrounding it is very nice and welcoming so that gives it bonus points

When I get bored this game never fails to keep me entertained. With the massive explosions and equally massive map, there is hours of fun to be had. I would give it a 4.5 because of the very tedious and broken gear challenges, but something about the beautiful map of Medici just makes me give it a 5.0 with no regrets.

I think it is not nearly as bad as some people say it is, had a lot of fun exploring. Ending was kinda underwhelming, other than that a lot of fun.

True classic true true true classic classic classic most classic game of all time greatest game of all time. Ok but for real though there is not a single thing in this game that gives me a negative thought. Everything about this game is crafted to perfection. Every single music piece matches perfectly with the location it plays in the game. Optimization is perfect, in the 14 years I have played it I have never noticed a big glitch. The challenge of each level is perfect from the easy ones that teach you the basics, to the ones that really test your skill from what you have learned. It may be the first game I ever played but even if I played it for the first time today there would be only one way to explain it, the perfect masterpiece.