Crazy how much game there is here - I could play it at least one more time and still have plenty that I won't have seen.

Logan Cunningham being a gigachad as always.

Aged poorly - attempted to play a couple times but always gave up after a few hours.

The weakest and most difficult of the original trilogy.

Kept losing to my friends - skill issue but still disliked.

It's PS1-era FF so it's always going to be serviceable but this is by far the weakest. Dislike the junction system, dislike the magic system, dislike the level-matching system.

Liked the exploration, hated the building.

Solid homage to old Super Mario RPG style of game. Got a bit repetitive over time but I loved Garl so much that I didn't mind.

Tried several times to get into but always abandoned after the first visit to the Citadel.

Really want to play this with a romantic partner eventually. Played through a few acts with Red but never got to the ending.

Fun throwback to old PS1-era platformers but it felt incomplete. Not sure if the DLC fixed that.

Played for about a month before my computer started crashing every time I jumped from the dropship.

Played on a really crummy computer that hindered the immersion of the experience and some of the 2nd act segments (looking at you, speedboat) really drag on. Still a solid game nonetheless.

Way too short to justify the price tag. By the time I rated this there was no DLC. Still, the swinging was even better than the previous entry.

Took away some of Ratchet & Clank's punchiness which I didn't care for but the gameplay and story were fun.