Fun - less so after having played Doom Eternal


The intrigue wears off fast then it becomes a clunky walking simulator.

Fatigued with open world games by this point.

One of my most played games as a kid. To this day it's one of my favorites even if I don't feel it's aged well.

It wears its heart on its sleeve and some people think that's cringey but I think it did what it set out to do.

Don't remember much of my playthrough - kind of forgettable. As always, the web swinging is fun and the combat is serviceable.

Punchy combat if a bit basic - Swinging around town is the primary seller

Some of my best nights with friends were playing this game. Those days are long gone but I'll remember them fondly.

Love-hate relationship with this game. Never play solo.

Loved the camp but the game has aged so poorly. After seeing a playthrough it looks as though there's a lot of frustration and tedium to come so I'm not really planning on going back.

Slightly less charm than Yakuza 0 but it's a great remaster (speaking as someone who hasn't played the original).

I've never been good at this game and at this point it feels like I'm perpetually worse than all my friends.

A platformer you can really sink your teeth into; the sort of freedom I felt with my first ever platformer

Fun enough for a few rounds with friends.