There isn't another game like this. Played for our Game Club for Jan. 24. Almost everyone loved it.

A return-to-form for the series. A few weaknesses in the quest gameplay loop but combat is solid, voice acting is peak, and story is as quality as old Final Fantasy.

Very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the story of this game. It still shows its age but after playing pieces of 1, 2, and 3, this improved on the story by leaps and bounds.

Didn't like it as much as I was expecting. Maybe because all of my friends have already mastered it so any attempt to get a better time than them is an exercise in futility.


Neat take on roguelikes, love the punchy combat but special abilities are often very situational

Even setting aside the aesthetic, this is a perfect city building sim for me.

Tried three or four separate times to get into this game and it just wasn't for me.

Introduced my favorite weapon in the series, the Bouncer.

Brought me back to my adolescence playing Dynasty Warriors games - loved the P5 coat of paint.

I hadn't played many Ubisoft/open world titles at this point and this world was so beautiful that I just played through it with unbridled joy.

I think I played this at the reception after a funeral.

Pleasantly surprised by this game having never played a Fire Emblem game. The gameplay loop gets a little exhausting after a while but the time skip makes for an interesting twist in the story that brings a fresh look/feel to the experience.

This was my most played video game for a long time. Hard to overstate how much fun this game was in its prime.

My favorite game at GameWorks back in the day.