Dollar store Dynasty Warriors - didn't care for it.

Combat is clunky but serviceable. Love Ichiban as the new protag.

This was my most played video game for a long time. Hard to overstate how much fun this game was in its prime.

Great transition for Kratos - kind of a weak ending from a combat standpoint, but a great story beat to end on.

Gold standard for tower defense

Didn't like it as much as I was expecting. Maybe because all of my friends have already mastered it so any attempt to get a better time than them is an exercise in futility.

Mind numbing fun, wears off relatively quickly.

Took me a few attempts to get into but it was worth it. Hilarious, dramatic, witty.

I hadn't played many Ubisoft/open world titles at this point and this world was so beautiful that I just played through it with unbridled joy.

A return-to-form for the series. A few weaknesses in the quest gameplay loop but combat is solid, voice acting is peak, and story is as quality as old Final Fantasy.

I played through it but remember very little. You kill an unsettling amount of brown people though.

Only played the base game back in 2015. There was very little content back then. Not sure about now.

Played the remastered version. I like that it didn't overstay its welcome. Good gameplay overall and top tier acting.