217 Reviews liked by Guntor

Bethesda promised a huge space exploration, and what we got was and unfinished, and very very limited experience, It's basically a fast travel simulator, cause exploring space and planets is basically invisible. Starfield has one of the worst facial animations i've ever seen, but the visuals in the main cities are ok.
It's fucking pathetic that Bethesda could literally release a dogshit, and the fanboys would still say that "the mods will be avialable soon, so it will be fixed". Like come on, i love mods and i use them in almost every game that supports them, but it shouldn't be THE MAIN FOCUS OF THE GAME AND AN EXCUSE TO REALEASE A SHITTY PRODUCT. So stop defending this game, cause it was overpromised and it deserves the 4-5/10 ratings.

If this is what Bethesda has to show after 8 goddamn years, then they're really fucking ruined. The technical abomination (as in some sort of deformed experiment a crazy scientist put together) this game presents is beyond forgiveness, and the soulful storytelling just doesn't have the strength to carry it as it's oh so poorly written. The same storyline (or at least bullet points) in the hands of a non-amateur writer would shine bright, but this is not the case here. I generally don't delve into details in these reviews, and to be honest, there are too many to remember right now (maybe I should've taken notes), but to me, the most heart-crushing things were the size for quality tradeoff in world-building (something Bethesda hadn't done yet, even in Fallout 76); and the constant immersion killers, may they be the abysmal facial expressions, the terrible character animation, recurring glitches from 17 years ago; outdated menuing; or just "things not working the way they were supposed to." I could see behind the veil at all times, and that is so very sad.

The Elder Scrolls is my favorite RPG franchise of all time, so... please: hire a fucking writer. Ditch this fucking engine.

Oh, the one-liner review? Sure: a great game given to the wrong hands. Perhaps in an al- oh wait, those are spoilers. Yeah, if you have Game Pass, avoid them, the story is kinda thrilling to watch for the first time.

Some of the most creative and inventive puzzles I've ever played through; they always make you think but never get too obscure like they did in Limbo.
It's also a beautiful marriage of gameplay and story. I won't spoil anything but it all feels connected. Also, did I mention that this game is tense as fuck?

Said story is only told through gameplay and environments and I loved picking through the details to reconstruct it in my head. It also really helps that the presentation of this world - its sound design and art style - is incredibly striking.

I'm giving this a 9 for now but it might be a 10.

"621..... Feed the fire..... Let the last cinders burn"

The best game Fromsoft could have released post such a monumental moment in gaming history after Elden Ring last year with this latest AC title. Visceral fast action combat, a bombastic score, boss fights and missions with scale and immersion that put to shame FFXVI's bogged down Asuras Wrath QTE fights with fully realized set pieces that I'm sure more long time fans of the series only ever dreamed of. Fires of Rubicon might just be my GOTY at this moment as I let the fires burn and cinders fade.

"To grieve deeply is to have loved fully."

I loved God of War (2018), and I grieve now for Ragnarök - I'm feeling dramatic today. Put simply: the whole is not greater than the sum of its parts. In fact, it's lesser.
Don't get me wrong. There are a number of moments in this that are some of the best I've experienced in all my time with video games. On top of that, the combat remains excellent - though it is both better and worse. The same goes for the side content and exploration. I enjoyed all of my 38 hours, thoroughly.

And so I hate that I feel a nagging disappointment that tells me how messy and unfocused Ragnarök is. To me, it does not feel anywhere near as special as its prequel.
This story just did not come together as cleanly as the last one did; it drags yet rushes and does not earn all of its great moments with enough build-up. Wanting to tell a grand story is not the issue: it's losing focus while doing so.

I loved this game! The gameplay is pure crack, so fast, satisfying and addicting, so many options to play with, the story was actually a surprise for me because of the characters, a lot of really cheesy but loveable and memorable characters and the journey from 0 to the most feared AC on Rubicon is so satisfying they nailed it. The game is just pure unfiltered straight to the point fun with no bs and this rare now sadly.
The only con of this game is that it's front loaded in terms of bosses, Chapter 1-2 have the best unique big bosses and after that it's just ok.
But that barely takes away from the addiction that this game can be and it's rare for me when NG+(or even NG++ later) starts, to be excited to do it all over again.

Neat little action game. Loved the badass combat system, epic bossfights, exciting soundtrack and unique character designs! Stealth could be better and the camera controls get a little clunky sometimes, otherwise a very fun 5 hour wild ride.

She Armored on my Core till i Fire from Rubicon.

Now I don't think the final boss of this game is near as good as Isshin, but it did give that feeling of having mastered every movement, like I'm in ultra instinct.

All the bosses in this game are fun and love the art style except the art for the cutscenes, why not stick to pixel art. The one negative is that I had to search up a couple of times what to do, which is just annoying. I felt that Veredicto was so much better than the two weapons that they ended up feeling obsolete. I basically Veredicto solo the whole game.

Will I play the first Blasphemous? I should but prolly not. 8



I have beaten this game twice, gotten all of the platinums on all of the dandori stages, and done every sidequest, and somehow I'm hungry for more, I mean FUCKIN STARVIN for more. I was hyped beyond belief for this game, had the highest expectations, and somehow this game still managed to blow my FUCKING mind. At some point I was like "wow this game sure has a lot of content" and then out of nowhere oatchi turned around and looked me in the eyes and said "oh you like that? you like all this content you bitch? lil baby bitch? lil baby unemployed bitch? well FUCK YOU here's more content you ugly piece of shit." i was a little freaked out at the time but looking back i appreciate the gesture. Basically my point is that this game just throws a lot at you, and not a single time did I think "This is a bit much don't you think?" NAH I had a smile on my face the entire time. This game is easily my game of the year, it honestly isn't even fucking close. god i love pikmin. life changing experience.

This thing was hyped up to me so much, naturally my expectations were pretty high. It undoubtedly reaches those expectations in some ways - the cast of characters is bigger, more diverse, they all get their little stories, which are the best parts of the game. The missions are more varied in their environments and design but still pretty shallow and corridor driven. Decent for its time I suppose.

Unfortunately, the gameplay in the Legendary Edition remains nearly identical to the first game. The movement - still clunky and illogical. The powers - still useless and a pain in the ass to use, you can get through every single fight comfortably with one or two weapons. Enemy variety lacking. The gameplay is just about okay to get you to the next interesting conversation with the characters. It's no secret that's what carries these games. The world building, the characters and the choices you have.

So while ME1 has a better overall plot, ME2 shines in its characters and their individual stories. I'm not sure which one I prefer, actually. If ME2 had a strong central antagonist, it might be an easier choice. Maybe a part of me remembers ME1 too fondly.. but that is just how I feel right now. Mass Effect 2 didn't blow my socks off, but I still had an awesome time with it, all in all.

(Why is there no credits song like M4, Pt. II :((()

Pikmin 4 takes all the stuff you like from Pikmin 1/2/3, takes out pretty much everything you don't, and adds a damn dog.

-Pikmin 1 felt like you were in nature, and everything had a sense of danger to it thanks to the non-cinematic presentation to the bosses. They're usually just there. The 30 day limit, however, made the game stressful in a way that turned a lot of people off (it's still my favorite of the original 3). Pikmin 4 feels way more back to a more "naturalistic" feeling.

-Pikmin 2 added more elemental elements and gameplay styles such as time trials and dungeon caves where you pick up treasure. The downside was that the cave dungeons grew repetitive over time due in part, I think, to their procedurally generative nature.

-Pikmin 3 doubles down on the realistic art style and adds more cinematic action-adventure trappings, but is also easy to perhaps its own detriment. Pikmin 4 doubles down on the gorgeousness and is still easy but becomes "easy to play, a bit harder to master."

Pikmin 4 has the broad structure of a Pikmin game (get Pikmin, fight enemies, pick stuff up and carry it to your ship in order to get points to progress through the game) but adds a ton of new ways to define what a "Pikmin" game is.

The dungeons and caves return, but they're handcrafted and manageably lengthed for the most part; they're a treat to get through and never get boring. Between these, the night stuff (which I won't get into in case you're spoiler sensitive), and new "Dandori" challenges which are effectively time trials but way more elegant and better integrated into the game, Pikmin 4 is just DENSE with high quality, diverse Pikmin content. I think I spent more time with 4 100%ing it than I did with my playthroughs of 1/2/3 last month.

Also, Oatchi ride or die. The game gives you a dog that perhaps surpasses Poochy from Yoshi's Island and evolves how you play Pikmin. You jump on the dog and can use it to ram enemies like a superpowered charge move from Pikmin 3. With Oatchi, you can carry all your Pikmin around easily and use him to carry giant objects by himself. It replaces the single-player co-op from Pikmin 2/3 with a solution that feels way more useful and again, elegant. His inclusion adds elements of platforming to a game that continues to blur genre lines.

Also also, you pick up materials which can be used to build bridges and level up your character??? This game really has it all.

The story/rescue crew stuff is fun and cute. It's a little talky in the first 2-3 hours but after that point I'd say it's only slightly more talky than Pikmin 3. It's not Arceus-level talky by any means.

Final shoutout to the map design. These are the best Pikmin levels yet. They still do the thing where they start huge and then feel small after you get the lay of the land, but these are bigger and more interesting. It, like so many aspects of this game, remind me of a dramatically improved Pikmin 2.

steady progress is...also good dandori

God Of War Ragnarok was by far my most anticipated game from last year. Having finally played it I'm happy to say that it fully delivered in pretty much every regard. This game is tremendous. I absolutely loved God Of War 2018 and this game further builds upon its remarkable strengths while simultaneously fixing some of its notable weaknesses. It isn’t a drastic shift in the gameplay formula but it does manage to adequately tweak/refine the general mechanics of 2018’s game, trimming the fat so to speak, and making the moment to moment gameplay experience even more smooth and fun than it already was. The boss fights are a vast improvement over the predecessor and they are very enjoyable to play through, the combat is a pitch perfect mix of visceral challenge and grueling intensity, and the exploration remains just as rewarding and satisfying as the prior game, with just the right balance of puzzles, enemy counters, collectibles, and basic platforming to keep you engaged. Ragnarok is by all means bigger and bolder than 2018’s game (both narratively and thematically) but with that also comes problems. The story feels very disjointed at points which manifests itself into some noticeably inconsistent pacing throughout this already unwieldily structured campaign. There are also some drawn out gameplay segments where so little happens in the way of plot progression, boss fights, set pieces, or character development that this game did test my patience on occasion. It's certainly clear that this game was intended to be a second installment in a trilogy as the story (especially towards the end) does feel somewhat padded. Certain character motivations also come off as contrived and certain plot developments are either seemingly rushed over or not properly fleshed out. In spite of all these flaws though? I would still feel comfortable declaring that i loved this game and that it’s the best game i’ve played all year. God Of War Ragnarok may not be perfect (no game truly is) but I can’t deny how strongly it affected me as someone who has loved this franchise since its inception. It’s an incredibly ambitious and immensely emotional experience, with top notch production values and gorgeously stunning visuals, polished gameplay, a beautifully told and utterly gripping story, anchored by a rich and spectacularly developed cast of both main characters and supporting characters. I haven’t even mentioned the incredibly moving score by Bear McCreary that adds so much emotional resonance to the proceedings of the game. I seriously doubt this game is going to have the same indelible impact that God Of War 2018 had (and it certainly isn’t as narratively singular of an experience) but as a game on its own it is every bit as stirring, meaningful, powerful, and compelling. I ultimately walked away from this game feeling incredibly satisfied and completely enthralled by what I was experiencing even through its rare missteps. I truly can’t wait to see what santa monica have in store for this franchise next.