This game doesn’t even compare to what a good game that was Origins but 2 (I personally call it Exodus) is still a fine game albeit a rushed and sometimes buggy game but it still has some charm to it with its companions and even the story in act 3 that is interesting that will jumpstart Inquisition but that’s for another day.

So my problems with this game is that it is very rushed and it shows specifically in act 1 where they reuse a lot of map assets to different areas and it can be boring after a while when playing through the whole game. While discussing the problems it goes without saying that the game was a huge let down because hype really killed this game with its limited scope and focus on Kirkwall being the main area compared to Fereldan from Origins due to it’s rushed nature and with the hype that was origins even I feel let down from this game and I change my opinion of it a few years ago when replaying it to find my self seeing that Exodus is a diamond in the rough because you can see the huge potential that this game has and on release it failed to see that potential and ruin many people’s expectations

Ok so the positives of this game is that I personally love everyone in this game from Hawke to their siblings and the many companions like Varric, Merrill, Fenris and Anders (I love him even if he’s a terrorist ❤️) Isabella, Aveline and Sebastian are great companions and each with their own story that honestly the friendly and rivalry mechanic that this game has makes their dialog options more diverse and personally I would have Siblings, Isabella, Varric, Fenris, Aveline and Sebastian as Friends while Merrill and Anders as Rivals as personally they make the game work a lot better but that’s my opinion and while the story was just meh at best till act 3 I think that this game is still very serviceable to players but highly and I mean HIGHLY recommend to be prepared about the issues of this game because I can say for certain that it did caused me to stop playing the game at points but still a worthwhile experience to play it

Dragon Age Origins is a game where my love for Dungeons and Dragons truly manifested when I played this game with its medieval fantasy setting and even magic when imo is the most broken class that I have played out of many different runs with warrior, rouge and mage and the different races to play as well. This game is a masterpiece as it just puts you in the world we’re you have to make the hardest decisions and do the best as you can and honestly what really captivated me about this game is it’s world building, story and even the characters. This game is simply amazing as the story is feels very dark at times and hopeful in other and it can captivate the player and gets them really investing but it also compliments itself with the cast of characters that game gives us as Alistair and Morrigan are my 2 favorite character throughout the whole series as they are characters that I spent a lot of time with and they are truly special within the game but that doesn’t mean that the other characters are bad but in the contrary each companion are also interest and compliments the game well and honestly I really do love this and would recommend this to the people who are interested in the medieval fantasy genre

Persona 4 has to be one of my favorite games I experience with in the megaten franchise as it has a lot of qol improvements that was needed from Persona 3 as well as have a good and fun time with the cast members as it’s something that’s worth experiencing. This game is what brought me into the megaten and the persona franchise as a whole and I’ll always treasure this game because it made me a fan and I’ll always remember having fun playing this game

For a game that is a start to a very wonderful and engaging story this game really does set up a lot of events that will evolve into a trilogy of beloved games even if each game has their own issues.

In my experience playing this game I have a lot of fun with it despite it being an old game from 2007 I would say that it was decent but still a good time to play it despite some of the world in differing clusters are fluff besides the important side activities and the story still holds up to this day and very much worth it going through this game since it has some role playing stuff involved (paranade for the win!) but despite all its positives I have to address the negatives such as the leveling system where it feels so useless because it just gives the illusion of increase values of damage when based damage alone is already effective and throughout all my runs with the game Adept is very broken even in insanity so it’s practically the best class by default but otherwise THSI game is good

I have a lot of fun with this game to the point where I did my trophy run with it but it does have its issues especially when halfway through the run you’ll play as Dante which is great but you have to go through the level you been in as Nero and when doing runs with Vergil Trish and Lady it can get very tedious but it’s still a fun game

Fuck the helicopter I wish I never played this game because it is so unbearable slow at times and I should’ve gave up after the 2nd or 3rd mission

The game is fine and you can see the concepts of RE4 in it scattered throughout the game and while it is good the game has aged so it can be clunky at times

It’s a fun game that I enjoy while I don’t necessarily like tank controls I still enjoyed it but I can only have patience to do only one run or it but I have so who knows maybe later down the line I’ll do another run with it

Personally I believe that this game can be so confusing that I recommend this game to people if they follow a guide because there are points where there are ticks on the game that can be really annoying to get through the story because you need to see characters and do different activities that would make the game make sense since there will be times when you see the character that you haven’t seen before with example of Zoltan who you can miss seeing him from the Outskirts but in the next chapter he acts as if he met you before and this game is old and I understand that but it would make sense if people would play the is game with a guide as to make the narrative of the game make sense and since this game is old I would say beware on the many soft locks that the game has you on because that would break the game a lot but even if it’s unpolished and the first game made by CDPR it’s an interesting game that got me into reading the books

I want to love this game because I think that there is so much potential to but omg as going through the slog that is this game I can’t for the life of me would recommend this game to anyone because the combat and general gameplay sucks ass as it more or less plays like a MMORPG games like FF14 and WoW that honestly makes this game so unfair at times especially the combat because it doesn’t rely on hit detection at all and you can die in conversations because the status and even potion effects continue when you’re in dialog with other characters and I played this game twice in both Iorveth and Roche routes and for the life of me even if the story is good and intriguing do not play this game and watch a video about it instead because it is not worth going through countless pains and turmoil that it has caused me

I wouldn’t call this great but it isn’t mediocre either but it’s a balance with the 2 that would describe my experience of this game. First off I love the OST of this game that essential is the final SH game that Team Silent would make and it shows the effort in this game. The game overall is good and has some wonderful ideas in some places but sometimes feels like it has bad execution and I like how tense it can get from the very beginning with the first person pov in the apartment and 3rd person on the dungeons was neat and I love the story of this game but I have issues with the game as well as it doesn’t feel right fighting the monsters like the previous 3 games compared to here but it’s worth the trudge as I find myself enjoying it but not as much as 2 and 3

This game is a return to form from the first game and it shows I love every minute playing it and I especially love Heather and feel sad about what happen to Henry beside the issues I have with the final boss I believe that it’s worth playing this game

What can I say that hasn’t been already said? This game has made history through the survivor horror genre alone and the personal story of James Sullivan to this day feels like it hasn’t aged at all and I would consider this a timeless classic besides my gripes with the tank controls i would still go through with it regardless as this game has broke me the first time I played it back in 2011 and replaying it has me feeling grateful that I was introduced to this timeless masterpiece and I will always recommend this game to someone who has the slightest inkling of playing horror games

As much as I love this game to death hell almost every game until The Room. I really did forget that at time the story got me confused on where to go and it has aged but still a good game

The combat was the worse of all the series